Chapter Thirty Seven

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"When you are angry, be silent." Hadith.

Aishas pov

"Manal come get this." I tell the almost 6 months old baby wiggling my car keys, she's sitting on the floor on her mat and i want her to crawl to me, she is so cute Masha Allah.

"Dadadadada..." She remove her sucker from her mouth and start making that sound with her tongue.

I came earlier to my sisters house, it's weekend and my husband went to his mothers place, they're planning to go ask for Farhanas hand in marriage, Faisal is a nervous wreck, I almost laughed at him earlier when i drop my husband at his mums.

I hope it goes as planned.

Manal throw the sucker at her mum, Sumayyah gasp and i think that made baby Nali to squeal.

Aww, I laugh, "High five baby." I say to her, she didn't high five me back tho.

"That's so not funny, Nali baby you're not suppose to throw things at elders ok? Especially not at Maama k?" Summy says to her daughter as if she can hear her and then took the sucker and put it back at Manals mouth.

"Well, too bad she can't hear you." I tell my sister, "Wait, till you give birth, you'll know." My smile drop.

She probably sense my mood, "Lets go eat anything delicious in my kitchen." She says picking up her baby who give her a kiss in the cheek, lord of heavens, i swear i love this child.

I swoon at that.

I chuckle at, "Lets go." We walk to the kitchen.

Summy gasp dramatically, "Hanif!? What are you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be with them Hamad?" Hanif who is sitting on the kitchen counter with a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a plate of marshmallows smile cheekily at his wife. "I still have 30 mins, I'll go as soon as i finish these, babe." He checks his watch and nod his head, as if confirming that he still has 30 mins.

"Be fast then, and habibi you're not suppose to be taking all th—" he cut her off with a peck on her lips, either Hanif didn't notice me, or he is just shameless now.

Their daughter shirk, the father chuckle lightly at her and took her, "Babababab..." Manal says yet again with her tongue, playing with her saliva.

Hanif almost choke, "Say that again princess, babe did you hear her? She says Baba, Aisha did you hear her?" He sounds happy, summy smile at him with a nod, kissing both his cheeks and Manals.

"I heard her, that means she loves you more." I said with amusement. Summy roll her eyes at me and her husband wink at me, "You're the best." He says with a thumbs up.

"Dadadada..." Manal sounds out.

"No princess, baba, say baba." Hanif says, Manal just look at her father and lick his nose which made him laugh.

Masha Allah.

"Okay, give me back my baby, hurry up and finish those, Faisal is waiting for you." Summy tell her husband, he roll his eyes at her and sat down, "Fine, but she's my baby too."

"What do you want Aisha?" Sumayyah ask me, putting her baby on the high baby chair in the dinning room.

"I can help my self, thanks." I open the fridge.

Hanif is done, he stood up, enter his room and came out shortly all dressed up, he kiss both his wife and daughter and wave me goodbye, and soon he is gone.

We start eating the delicious junks she has, she has a lot, no wonder her and her husband are getting fat now.

We start talking about our lives over the junks, and a lot of random things.

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