Chapter Five

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Hamads pov

I can't believe what happened, I can't believe I did that but nevertheless I did not regret it, she's so annoying and my anger got the best of me. I didn't want to get married and I believe she's the cause of me been a married man. What of her? She was planning on getting married right? So i am technically the only victim. But she did not get married to her lover, she's also been forced dontcha think? my subconscious utters sense for the first time, Huh?

Could she also have been forced into this marriage thingy? Yup dummy! Omg! Instead of making things right I snapped at her and that too on her first day in this house. Ya Allah!

Ya Allah please make things right between us. Please let her forgive me!

I quickly walk towards her room to apologize to her, but she wasn't in the the room. Could she have run away already?! Oh God.

I ran downstairs to find out whether she ran away or not? 5:14am ya Allah help me! Allah save me from my mums wrath. Ya Allah help me find her!

I'm starting to feel guilty wallah.

Oh good God!

Could she have spend the night here? And Because of me?! I can't believe it. In this cold tiled floor, and it is freaking 10degrees, what could she have seen me as? Horrible person? Heartless? Brat? Jerk?

By Allah i am not like this, i am naturally a nice person,

But even if she thinks otherwise, I won't blame her now would I? I deserve it right? I am all that right? God help me; us!

I squat down to her level and caress her cheek, tear stained cheek. I feel horrible! I pick her up bridal style and walk upstairs tuck her down under the duvet and off the lights in her room before walking out.

I find my legs walking towards the direction of my room and walk inside the bathroom, did my business and perform wudhu. It is fajr time, so I walk to the masjid(mosque) close to our house and prayed.

I came back after almost 40mins cause I went for a walk after prayer. I walk straight to my room, even though i want -- badly want to wake Aisha up, but I fear her reaction so I save myself the embarrassment and left her alone.

I recite the Holy Qur'an for a while and took a warm long shower dress casually, 'cause Ummi said no going out, that we have to stay and get to know each other with my wife. More like get to hate each other.

I walk downstairs and saw Halsey in the kitchen making breakfast, Chips, eggs and sausage. For two people. When she saw me, she quickly avert her eyes back to the pan.

"Good morning sir." she greeted.  "Morning Halsey, how was your night?" I ask.

"It was good sir, how was yours?"  She asks. Before I answer her, she ask again "Where's your wife sir? And how's she?"

My wife!? If only she knew what I did to her, i am sure she hates me now.

I. Am. Sure.

"She's still asleep, she had a hectic day yesterday." I tell her, she cast her gaze at me and smirk, I just smiled at her.

I ate my breakfast alone like any other day. My wife's angry at me, i am sure!

Not that i care.

After breakfast I call my mum after 3 rings she picked up. "Assalamu Alaikum Hamad." she says immediatly after she pick the call, I smile after hearing her calming voice.

"Wa'alaikis Salaam Ummi, Ina kwana(good morning)" I greet respectfully like how I've been taught: "Lafia qalau da na(I'm good my son)" she answers: "How are you and your wife?" She add.

If only she knew what this son of hers did to that wife.

Again, not that i care.

"She's still asleep Ummi, she had a pretty tired day." I reply her question.  "Oh my son, tired day huh? More like tired night Hamad." she's laughing now, so hard.

Oh my god! What's she thinking? That we've consuma—

She interrupted my thoughts and said "Hamad don't you think it is a little too early for that." she's still laughing. Oh Allah! This is so embarrassing, how I wish the ground will swallow me.

"Ummi it is not that, I promise. Yesterday was the wedding, so obviously she'll be tired. Nothing of such Ummi." I said, hopefully she'll believe me. "Oh son -" she's still laughing, my God. "Go to your wife." Urgh.

"Toh Ummi sai anjima(alright ummi later)" I quickly said and hang up, without waiting for any reply. I just hope Faisal wasn't listening, I would be dead.

He might be my younger brother, but we're damn close and I love him and mum so much. And besides he is 20 now, matured enough right?

I've been on the phone with Ummi, that I didn't notice Aisha coming down and she's now in the kitchen.

I stood up to return the mug that was on the coffee table to the kitchen. Bro you just want to see her:-). My subconcious mock me, ugh.

When she saw me, she flinched as if I'll slap her. Well I did it to my self. "G-good mornin-ing," She stutters.


"Morning Aisha, how was your night?" I reply calmly, maybe it'll enlighten the mood, or at least she will know that I'd never raise a hand on a girl not even for the world.

She glare at me, maybe she remembered what happened last night. "Fine." she answers curtly and walk upstairs without a glance nor her breakfast.

I ran after her.

Time to make things back to normal. As if there was ever normal, well whatever.

***        ***        ****

Hey cuties! How are you all?

Miss me? Lol😂 well I do!

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