Chapter Thirty Four

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"I worship only Him who created me, and it is He who will guide me." Quran 43:27

Aishas pov

"Hamad please, i really want to eat it, no scratch that, i need to eat it, please." I whine, my husband is plainly annoying, he just won't listen to me, ooff!

"Baby girl, I'm not buying that, it's not healthy plus you heard what the doctor said yesterday." He says typing away on his phone.

We're both at home, it's Sunday, a relaxing Sunday and i want spaghetti with melted cheese and ice cream, but my husband won't let me, he won't buy the ice cream and melted cheese and he won't allow me to drive and buy it with my own money.

So annoying.

"I'm sure the doctor was just scaring us, you know i eat healthy food, don't you?" I ask, we had an appointment with Dr Muhseen yesterday and he told us that, "You're suppose to be adding weight Mrs Hamad not lose weight, you think pregnancy is a joke? You're carrying a human in you, a human who needs food, you need to double you meal, and you don't seem like you're eating any healthy food, wallah I'm warning you, don't play with your pregnancy." That was his exact words.

"I do, but the doctor knows what he is doing, and I'm not buying you that, and that is final." He says, sternly.

It's the third week of December, I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant and my cravings are getting too much, I crave weird and unhealthy things, but that's not my fault, and i get too emotional and moody, but that's all normal for any pregnant woman. Oh our anniversary is in 4 days in sha Allah, I'm so happy.

I open my mouth to talk, but Hamad place his index finger on my lips to silence me, "Please, Aisha don't make this difficult, lets do as the doctor said."

My eyes are beginning to water, he seems dead serious, I'm sure he won't buy. "You mean i make things difficult and that i don't take care of my self and my baby!?" I ask, my voice cracking at the end.

"Our baby. And no that's not what i mean, I'm sorry but melted cheese? It's definitely not healthy, I'll buy you anything that is healthy i promise." He spoke softly, as if he doesn't want to offend me.

I untangle myself from him and walk upstairs to our room without even replying him, he thinks i don't take care of his baby. Pff!

I'm sure he doesn't even care about me anymore, it's always about his baby, his noor, I don't get him.

After praying Asr, i lie on our bed, imagining me eating spaghetti with melted cheese and 3 scoops of ice cream, man! Heaven. With that thought i drift to sleep.

I sleep a lot too.


"Wake up." I hear someones voice from a distance, I sigh and draw the duvet over my body.

I hear chuckle, "Wake up already, it's maghrib." The person is now shaking me. "C'mon Aisha, wakey wakey." I groan and open my eyes, Hamad is staring at me with a grin.

I roll my eyes at him, and rub them.

The events of earlier came back, the incident that made me sleep, i huff in annoyance. He won't allow me to eat what i want and now i can't even sleep in peace?

"Wake up and pray, I'm getting late too." He says, trying to remove the duvet, i slap his hands with a glare. "I didn't ask you to stay did i? Go, i don't care." I say with my sleepy voice, it sounds husky.

He looks kinda surprised, "What? I was just waking you, i don't want you to miss the Salah." He says softly, I'm not falling for that, I'm mad at him.

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