Chapter Ten

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"Verily with every hardship comes a relief." (Qur'an 94:6)

Aishas pov

"I'm begging you Aisha." His voice is so funny, as if he is on the verge of tears. "I promise I won't take long." I reply while laughing. Gosh Hamad is one of a kind, so funny and likes exaggerating things, that's what I've noticed about him for the past three months that we've been married.

"I pray so, now quick."

We are getting ready to visit our parents and i just got out of shower and he is literally begging me not waste his 'precious time' in getting ready, that ladies takes more than 2 hours in getting ready. Can you imagine? he still didn't shower and he is complaining that I take long. Ugh! Guys!

"Now go and shower." I shooed him to the bathroom.

I walk in the closet and choose a red color atamfa with a matching veil, shoes and bag and then walk out of the closet with my outfit in hand and walk towards the dressing mirror and sat on the stool. I brought out my phone and played my favorite song 'one call away, by Charlie Puth' to keep me company before Hamad comes out. I start rubbing the lotion on my body, after i am done I spray my deodorant, put on my underwear and finally the cloths phew! Didn't take that long, since he is still not yet outta the bathroom.

As if on cue he open the door, when his eyes land on me he smirk and said. "I see you dressed quickly today, didn't know you'd take my words seriously." I roll my eyes in response.

"I'll go get something in the other room."

I walk out without waiting for his reply, I still have my stuff in the room opposite his. It was once mine after all.

I enter the room and bring out my makeup bag, I am not really a make up freak, but I like to keep it casual. A lil khol, nude lipstick and powder is okay for me and plus Hamad doesn't really like it too. After the make up, I walk out of the room and descend down the stairs into the kitchen to drink water and find Halsey washing the dishes, she's a sweetheart.

"Do you want anything ma'am?" She's not willing to stop calling me ma'am.

"Nothing much, Haly. I can help my self, just a cup of water." She smiled at me and continue  her work. I took the bottle water from the fridge and drank it all at once. "We're going out Halsey, cook food for yourself and the gateman. Thank you!" I tell her.

"You don't have to thank me, its my job. Safe journey ma'am." I smile and exit the kitchen, making my way towards the staircase and that's when i froze in my steps.

The man that stood in front of me is so handsome, in fact handsome is an understatement. Handsome is just one of the hundred adjective. He is wearing all black, black kaftan and shoes. His head is also covered in black cap, to say the least Masha Allah he is handsome. His now trimmed beard look neat and made him look even more young. He looked up and stare deeply into my brown orbs and smile at me. He came to where i stood motionless and said. "Go get your bag, we're almost 30mins late."

"Whose fault is that?" I ask with an almost eye roll.

I was ready 15mins ago.

"You, my dear wifey." He smirk and ushered me to go up the stairs.

I huff and move nonetheless. I grab my bag, veil, phone and then put on my shoes. And lastly headed downstairs and find my husband waiting for me in the main door using his phone, I clear my throat to make my presence known. "Halsey we're out." Hamad yell from outside the house.

"I told her already." I roll my eyes at his behavior.

We enter the car and and zoom out of the house, we'll visit his parents first cause it's closer to our home. We sat in comfortable silence with his hand atop mine, upon reaching the house we both got out and head inside.

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