Chapter sixteen

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"Do at least one thing everyday that will put a smile on your parents face." Unknown

Aishas pov

"Stop making excuses and take me." I said to my annoying brother, "Is it by force for goodness sake, i am going back to work now sissy sassy, hey! That rhymes." Hisham says with a smile, I face palm my self such a kiddo I tell you.

Hamad dropped me off at my parents house before going to work, and now i am presently sitting in the living room of my parents house and begging this brother of mine to take me to 'Southern fried chicken', I even offer to treat him but he refused.

"Mama tell Hisham to take me, please mummy." I said entering the kitchen, she's making soup for my pregnant sister.

"Aisha allow the poor boy to rest, he came back for lunch, he must be tired my dear." Mama says calmly and Hisham stick his tongue out at me. Kid!

"But what about my lunch Mama, Hisham said he won't even go back to work after lunch, he can take me can't he?" I said with the best puppy face, I've been craving a lot lately, and now I don't want homemade food.

"Hey i am right here." Hisham says.

"If you want to eat their food so badly, call them and place your order, they will deliver it here within 30mins." Sumayyah says from the door step, she entered the kitchen and took a carrot before sitting on the chair.

"Good idea sis." Hisham says, I ignore him.

"You guys won't understand the feeling- the feeling when you place your order and wait for them to bring your food and then eat it there, oh God. The feeling." I said with an exaggerated sigh.

"You have a husband for a reason." Hisham says while rolling his eyes, I give up eating French fries, extra cheese burger and fried chicken. May be tomorrow.

"Summayya don't take cold juice, in fact stop drinking juice. It is not healthy for you and the baby." Says mama, collecting the drink from my sisters hand, summy then rubbed her baby bump, you can see it, but it is not that big, 5 months.

"Hanif always say that, not you too mama." Summy exclaim with a defeated look. "That's because it ain't healthy." Hisham chirp in.

"Shut up, what do you know about pregnancy?" Summayya asks him irritatingly.

"I know that pregnant women eat a lot and get emotional easily. And... Omg your husband is trying. Aisha you better tell Hamad that you don't want babies." Hisham says, suppressing his laugh, Gosh.

My brother is so mad, how can he say that in front of my mum? Ya Allah! This guy is so mad. I look at my mum and saw her looking at him with a smile on her face, she then shook her head and concentrates on her soup. "I dare you not to, to your wife." Summy says biting her banana, how much does this woman eat?

"I won't, trust me sis."

"Will you two stop already." Mama said sternly and they both keep quiet.

Sumayyah took her soup quietly, and we talk about random things till Hamad texted me that he'll be here in 5mins.

I walk to my old room to pick my bag and charger, and lazily drag myself downstairs as if on cue I heard the door bell. Hisham open the door and they greeted each other, I walk towards them and hug my man, he hugged me back and whisper, "I missed you today,"

"PDA." my sister yell from the living room. While Hisham on the other hand scrunch his face.


"Assalamu Alaikum Mama, how are you?" Hamad greeted politely.

"Wa'alaikas Salaam my son, I'm good Alhamdulillah, how's work?"

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