Chapter Fourty Four

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"And He found you lost and guided you." Quran; Suratul Duha, verse seven.

Aishas pov

With the way Hamad's looking at me, you could easily guess that he is praying what i am about to say won't be a difficult task, i giggle at him.

He groan: "Apple." I said and he sigh.

It's 11pm and i told him that i am craving something, he thought he'd have to go out and buy it.

Apples are literally the only thing i crave, i am eight months pregnant now, my baby bump is super big to the extent that some people are asking if I'm gonna have twins.

Just one more month to go in shaa Allah.

Alhamdulillah this pregnancy isn't difficult or tiring, of course you'll feel the pain and cramps but Alhamdulillah it comes with ease.

"We have it in the fridge." He says, standing up to go get it for me.

Did i mention that we've moved to one of the rooms downstairs?! Hamad said he can't risk anything happening to me especially with how heavy i am now, he claims that i can't climb the stairs and so now we're downstairs.

He comes back with four Apples in a plate with knife, "Thank you." I tell him with a smile, already biting my apple i don't need no knife to cut it.

He chuckles and pick one too, not bothering to cut it too; "So why bring the knife?" I ask grinning.

"Oh! I thought you were gonna be a lady and cut it, but it seems like i am wrong." He smirk taking a bite of his fruit. "Oh shut up." I hit him playfully.

"I'd have tickle you, but your baby bump is big now." He says; "You're indirectly saying i am big now right?" I frown.

"What? No." He replies softly.

I know, i am super fat.

I pick another apple and turn to the other side munching it, still with a frown on my face.

"You know that's not what i mean bubbles." He says turning to face me, "C'mon don't give me attitude." He tries to hold my hand but i jerk my hand away.

"Oh so now i have attitude?" I bite my apple.

He pinch the bridge of his nose; "I'm sorry then, but you know that's not what i mean." He says in a low voice.

"You're always sorry aren't you!? You do things purposely and then you'll just apologize and expect things to be back to normal? And what you do mean by i know what you mean?! Are you indirectly saying that i am lying?" I am almost yelling, i don't get him, i placed my eaten apple on the plate.

He is always annoying me now.

Pregnancy hormones.

"I'm sorry if that's what you think, really I'm sorry." He speaks softly, he knows about my mood swings and all this pregnancy hormones that i am yet to understand, so he always tries to remain calm in every situation.

"I wanna sleep." I said, standing up from the bed, it's difficult. My hands are on my back and I walk carefully and slowly towards the bathroom.

I did my business and walk out of the bathroom, Hamad is sitting on the bed, i think he has already took the plate to the kitchen, he didn't say anything to me, i am finding walking very difficult now.

I changed my cloths and walk carefully to the bed, this room is small, compared to the one upstairs.

I switched off the lights and lie down, I hear the door opening, i think Hamad left the room, well whatever.

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