Chapter Thirty

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"The moment people stop talking to you, they start talking about you." Sally ;)

Okay💃🏽 chapter 30 already, the book's getting long- longer than I anticipated😂 I wanted to end the book at 'chapter 30' but look🤦🏽‍♀️ i am ending it sooooon tho👅😂
And i am so so sorry for disappearing for almost a month 😭😂 I've been busy and my lifes been a bit difficult, but i am back Alhamdulillah, thank you all and I love you and appreciate all your messages❤️

Aishas pov

The barely lit up sun shone through the thick curtain beside our bed, i stifle a yawn and shift to my side. I lazily look up to Hamads side and saw him still asleep, i smile at his adorable sleeping form, i pick my phone from the bedside table to check the time, it's 11:47am, well okay.

Hamads cold got worse the past couple of days, he had sleepless nights— well we had sleepless nights, he had high fever last night too, he looked so weak I almost teared up, I love him too much to see him in pain. I touch his forehead and neck with the back of my palm to feel his temperature, Alhamdulillah he isn't feverish.

I quietly stood up to go and freshen up after I peck his cheeks.

I brush my teeth, showered a short warm bath and exit the bathroom, I call the room service to order breakfast and start drying my my hair with a towel, I don't wanna disturb my husbands beauty sleep with the hand dryer. And yes! We're still in London, we had to postpone our flight because Hamad was so sick, but Alhamdulillah he is much better now and we're leaving in 2 days time in shaa Allah.

I dress in blue denim jeans and pair it with a red top, that has 'king' written with white in the front of the shirt.

I was so caught up in drying my hair that I didn't notice Hamad's awake now, i caught him looking at me through the mirror, when I turn to face him he is rubbing the sleep from both his eyes with his hands, I smiled softly at the sight, he looks like an adorable baby, aw! my adorable baby he smiled back at me with a yawn, I chuckle at that.

"How are you feeling today?" I ask when I sit beside him on the bed. "Much better Alhamdulillah, thanks." He replies and lean close to peck my lips, I smiled against his lips, and he moved back.

"Alhamdulillah, go freshen up, I ordered breakfast." I say and start helping him to get up, "Heyyy! I am not that incapable, I can stand up, I ain't that weak." Hamad whine.

"C'mon I was just tryn'a help." I said with a pout, he chuckle lowly and trace his thumb on my face. "I know, and I love you for that. It's just that it's suppose to be the other way round, and I wanna be strong for you, for us." He says with a small smile on his face and walk to the bathroom, isn't Hamad just hard to understand? And corny? I love him nonetheless.

I pick my phone, checking my notifications on social media, I tap on the Twitter app and gasp, guess what??? They freaking suspend me, what did I do? [ A/N twitter suspended my sister too, yesterday😂 wth is wrong with them?] jobless people. I click on WhatsApp and to our group chat, Faisal created it couple of days ago, they talk a lot.

I reply their messages, I miss them, I can't wait to see them in two days in shaa Allah. I hear a knock on our suite door, our breakfast's here, i open the door and thank the delivery guy. I start eating, I really can't wait for Hamad.

I finish eating my share but Hamad isn't out yet, you see? That's why I said I can't wait for him.

I put my disposable plate and cup in the trash bin and start tidying the room, I sat on the bed after i finish cleaning up, i start watching Hrvys new music vid, 'I don't think about you' that boy is so talented.

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