Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Listen carefully to what people say to you out of anger, they have been dying to tell you that." Unknown

Hamads pov

The sound of someone throwing up woke me up from my blissful sleep, I yawn as i sit up on the bed, the bathrooms door is open I quickly walk towards it and saw Aisha throwing up.

I held her hair back while rubbing her back with my other hand, today's the third day Aisha has thrown up, she threw up twice in Makkah and today, when she was done i help her stand up, she rinse her mouth, I hand her, her toothbrush and we brushed our teeths together.

She wash her face again, before we both exit the bathroom.

She sits at the edge of the bed with her hand on her forehead and eyes closed. "Aisha what's wrong with you?" I ask worriedly she reopen her eyes and smile at me.

"I'm fine, maybe it was the food I had for dinner last night." She tried to reassure me, but i am not buying it, yes I know back in Saudi, it was food poisoning but now? I don't think so, and we ate chips and pizza for dinner last night.

"I suggest we go to the hospital." I touch her forehead, there's no fever tho.

She chuckle, "Really i am fine Hamad, thanks for your concern." She wink at me. I sigh and side hug her, "Get well soon babe, I love you." I said and she hugged me back.

We can never stay mad at each other, the first day when we came here I was pretty mad at her for hugging that kid, but then I couldn't sleep without her by my side, I had to stay awake till she came in the room.

And the next morning it was awkward at first but then eventually things went back to normal.

"I'm hungry Hamad." Aisha whine, I roll my eyes at her but stood up to order room service, she just threw up after all.

I ordered and hop in the shower, I bathed with warm relaxing water, London is a bit chilly, tho since when we came we didn't go out, not even out our hotel room, today's our third day here.

I walk out of the bathroom when I was done and saw Aisha already munching her food, she looks fine now, Alhamdulillah.

"Oh c'mon do you really have to come out with just a towel? There's a robe in the bathroom you know?" Aisha says: I smirk and said, "Why, what? Is it a problem?"

"Oh yes it is." My wife says with a sly smile.

"What is it?" I chuckle.

"Oh shut up and come eat, i am full. Lemme shower we need to go out today." Aisha says while grabbing her towel.

"Oya now." I said and move inside the closet, I brought out my tri quarter black trousers and pair it with a black plain t-shirt and black p-cap.

I sprayed my perfume and walk out of the closet to eat my food and not even a minute or two Aisha came out of the bathroom with towel drape around her frail body. "Talk about coming out with towel." I said and roll my eyes at her when she threw me a flying kiss before descending into the closet to get dressed. 

I continue eating my food when my phone start ringing, it's a WhatsApp call from my brother, I pick it almost immediately, I miss him.

"Yo dude!" My younger brother says cheerfully. I chuckle.

"Hey bro! How is my mum? I called her, she didn't pick." I said with mouthful of food, chewing it.

"Eww man, what the hell? Ever heard of table manners?" I can imagine him rolling his eyes, I laugh while he continue, "And she's my mum too, she's fine Alhamdulillah. She has visitors."

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