Blue Without You

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The cause of demise was from a boy and his name was Trent.

Trent was the basic football player. Tall, brown hair, big muscles, and beautiful hazel eyes. He dated a cheerleader, Meghan. She was the basic cheerleader. Blonde, short and sweet, always happy.

They were named the "cutest" couple in freshman and sophomore year but in junior year when Meghan dumped his ass for Josh, the new quarterback and my brother, he is devastated.

Sadly from my relationship with her new boyfriend, I get to see them around all of the time. When Trent suddenly finds an interest in me I get a bit confused.

So yeah. Boy and girl date. I'm in love with him, and she's a fake. Sounds like the same old book you've read but there's a catch. The day Trent's parents died I develop a blue streak in my brown hair.

I see sadness now. And there are more like me.

This is my story. I am Skylar Monet and this is the story of my death.


"Sky up and at 'em!" I roll over and peek at my alarm. 6:15.

"Josh, it's 6:15!" I hear him chuckle behind the door.

"Daylight savings kid!" I jump up.

"Crap!" I throw my covers and jump out of bed. I rip open my closet door and pick out an outfit. Bruised blue t-shirt with my favorite band 5sos, black jeans and a pair of converse. I smile. My mom did laundry.

I run into the bathroom and put on my thick black eyeliner and mascara. I forgot foundation! I use a bit of concealer for a stray pimple and run out towards the bus.

As I walk up I see Trent leaning against the bus pole staring at his phone.

"Hey." I say out of breath with my block jog.

"Hey Sky." His beautiful smile is shaped in an awkward half-frown. I raise my eyebrow.

"Is everything good with Meghan?"

"Mhmm." He says typing away on his phone.

I sigh and open up my phone. I plug in my headphones and drown out the sounds of my busy little neighborhood. When the bus comes rolling up, I'm the first one on. We are the first stop so I head all the way to the back. Josh usually sits in the seat to my right but today he collapses next to me.

"You sure you're okay?" He shakes his head and hands me his phone.

"I don't know how to respond...girl help maybe?" I nod and see the messages between him and his lover.

"Well she's really upset..." He puts his head in his hands.

"I know Sky, can you tell why?" I sigh and analyze the messages again.

"She's mad because you hang out with your guy friends too much." He groans. "And the fact that football practice doesn't end until...8pm oh my gosh."

"Cheerleading ends at 530 so she always comes to practice. Coach got mad last week." I nod.

"Just tell her about all of this." He nods and goes back to his seat. My headphones go back into my ears and I blare music until I get to school.

First period starts at 830. I walk to the courtyard around 8 to sit and pretend to be social but I instead put my headphones back in. I finish up some of my homework and class starts too soon.

I have Trent in my second period but I have his stupid blonde girlfriend in my first period. I love art but she destroys it. She giggles and flirts with the art teacher the whole time. Finally the period ends and I'm out the door.

Trent is waiting for her but as usual when I'm in her presence I am non-existent.

I get to class and hear a lot of whispering. When Trent doesn't walk into class I'm a bit worried. I then hear over the inner com asking for him to go to the office. I hear a lot of people mumbling about him and of course the girls oogling over him. Sigh and I'm one of them.

I have to sit through the school day wondering about Trent. Maybe he will come back in 6th period study hall?

In fact he did. His eyes bloodshot and his mouth in a tight line. He plops down next to me.

"Trent?" He looks over to me with glassy eyes.

"My parents were in a car accident today. My moms in critical condition."

I gulp. He hated his dad I wonder if he's-

"And Marvin is dead." My heart beat picks up a bit.

"Trent I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say." He nods. He puts his head on my shoulder. His muffled whimpers are the only way I know he's still awake.

"Sky?" I nod and flatten down his hair. "I think my dad may have purposely crashed the car."

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