Blue Cars and Drivers

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My fingers trace over the picture over and over again. Luke's face terrified and Trent looking so sick as he stumbles into the car.

"Ma'am!" The female cop interrogating me slides her hand to her waist. "I asked you a question."

I sigh and let her continue. She rambles down a list of questions. I answer them all the best I can. I identify Luke and his little black car. When they ask relation I look over to Ash talking to another female cop who pops a few button, he leans to the side and I see his eyes slide down.

"Girlfriend." I say smugly and she nods. She shoos us both out and to the elevator. We walk in silence until we get to the elevator.

"So is this bond thing here done?" He says motioning to the both of us.

"Excuse me?" I say crossing my arms frustratedly.

"I'm just saying, if you are going to bat your eyelashes at every boy you see, then maybe you deserve Luke." He says.

"You've got to be kidding me." I say poking him in the chest, and he presses against the wall. "This morning you said that you thought the whole bond thing was stupid and that you would love me no matter what."

"Well you're supposed to take anger away and instead you added more." He grabs my hands and pins me against the wall. "And babe, I'm not feeling the love." He kisses on my jaw sending shivers down my spine. I try to push him off but he won't move so I do the only thing I know and drive my knee into his...ah well his private area.

"Oof!" He stumbles back clutching his pride. I grab his chin and whisper in his ear.

"You can't get me that easy." I then trot out the door with fury in my step.

I go to sit in the car until I see a very pissed off Ash come in as slam the door.

"Hello sunshine." He grumbles something and pulls out of the parking lot. "So what are we going to do?"

"Nothing." He says pulling up to a stop light. "Cops are cops. We are teens. And we have school tomorrow."


When Ash drops me off at school the next day, everyone is staring. Every time I get within 10 feet of Meghan she start blabbing about the cops.

"What if they can't find him? What if he dies?" She says dramatically clutching my hand.

"You know there was another person kidnapped." I say snatching my hands from her.

"Well excuse me if you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend." She says pouting.

"Sorry." I mumble and she slumps off.

The whole day was a real mess. With spring break starting this Wednesday, everyone is a buzz with excitement. Most of my classes don't give work so I sit in class doodling.

After school I avoid the hormonal mess of Meghan. I feel my phone vibrate and see a message from Ash.

Can't pick you up. Sry.

I turn to see the buses pulling away. Great, I get to walk 3 miles home. I sling my backpack into a comfortable position and head off.

I'm about half way there when I see a familiar black car in a driveway. I run over to see Luke passed out in front seat. I open the door and realize why he is out. Gas fills my lungs and everything goes black.


When I wake, I feel the foggy cloud of smoke that went into my lungs, crawl back up my throat. I choke for air and am sent into a coughing fit.

My chest finally clears and I open my eyes. I'm face down on a cold basement floor, hands bound. I see another figure close to me. It doesn't just glow blue, it's like fireworks on skin.

I crawl over to the figure and I see Luke.

"Love, you're awake." He gives me a weak smile. Sometimes I forget what an amazing accent he has.

"Hi." I croak out. "Where Trent?" He nods his head to a slump in the corner.

"He's fine. Just cold." I nod and snuggle into him, suddenly feeling the cold creep into my skin.

"What happened?" I say looking up at Luke. His lip ring has started bleeding and he seems to have a few bruises along his jaw.

"Well the man who-"

"Is someone talking about me?" The man says flinging the door open. Bright white light blinds me and I use my hand to see. "Hello sweetie."

My eyes widen.

"No way..." I barely make out. Before me is a clean shaven man, his pristine suit ironed to perfect edges stands in the doorway.

It's Clarence.

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