Big Blue and Beautiful

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Uncle Derek and I walk back in almost a dead silence, except for the snapping of twigs and sniffles coming from him. We get back to house and he says goodnight. I sigh and walk back into my room. I really need to apologize to Ash, but my body is so tired, I collapse on my bed.


I wake to hear a car crunching over the gravel up the driveway. I jump up and grab my bag.

"Ash! Someone's here!" I say banging on his door. Luke opens the door without a shirt on.

"Someone's here!" He stays running back into the room to grab his bag and pull the covers off of Ash. Ash just rolls over and groans. I walk over and shake him.

"Ash get up! There's someone here!" He looks up to me groggily and gets up. He looks out the window and collapses back onto his bed. "Get up!" I scream slapping his arm.

"God damn it Sky! It's my cousin." He says groaning and rolling over. My face flushes and Luke freezes where he is at.

"Oh..." Luke says placing his stuff on the bed. I stomp and slam the door on the way out. I should've apologized to him last night. I am such an idiot. Would he even accept my apology now that I just went berserk on him? I sigh and run into my bed room. I hear a small knock on the door.

"It's unlocked." I groan into my pillow. I hear the door creak open slowly.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! I thought Ash was in here!" I hear a feminine voice purr. I look over to the door and see a girl standing in the door way. She has beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes. She's pretty short but its a cute short. She has a beanie tucking most of her hair out of her face.

"He's in the next room." I say sitting up. "Who are you?"

"Hi!' She says running over and sits next to me on the bed. "I'm Autumn!"

"Hi." I say laughing.

"Oh sorry I'm a bit hyper. I was told to come over here because of an you know what it is?" She says tilting her head like a lost puppy.

"Yeah. We were kidnapped." I say digging my nails into my arm.

"Oh darling I'm so sorry." She says putting a hand on my knee. I shake my head and stand.

"It's alright. It's behind all of us." She smiles and we walk into the boys room.

"So then this chick like pulled her shir- Hey guys!" Luke says blushing and looking at the door. Ash is currently face down in his pillow groaning really loud. Luke stands and wipes his hands down on his pants.

"My you are gorgeous." Luke says taking Autumn's hand and giving it a peck. I walk over to Ash and lay down next to him.

"Ash?" I say rubbing his bare back. "I'm so sorry." He doesn't say anything, so I continue. "I know you are stressed and upset but I didn't mean what I said. I need you so much, honestly if I didn't need air I would probably need you more either way but seriously-"

"Sky?" Ash says turning over to face me, his blue eyes as striking as ever. "Please shut up and just kiss me." I laugh and he pulls me closer for a sweet kiss.

"So..." I hear Luke say. I untangle from Ash and look over to Luke.

"Yes?" I say. Luke and Autumn are sitting next to each other, their backs pressed against the wall.

"I'm hungry." Luke moans. Autumn giggles and he turns to look at her. She blushes and he laughs, grabbing her hand.They stand and walk out the door. I smile and turn back to Ash, who is once again groaning into his pillow.

"That's absolutely disgusting!" He says into his pillow. I laugh and wrap my arms around him.

"Mmm..." I say pressing my lips agaisnt his shoulder. He pulls me closer and laughs.

"At least I won't have him hit on you all day anymore." He says laughing into my hair.

"Wouldn't be postive about that but think what you'd like." I giggle.

"Ugh but now he's flirting with my cousin...." He says turning back to his pillow.

"Awkward." I giggle. He shoves me and it makes me laugh harder.


We stop cuddling and walk down stairs for dinner. Autumn and Luke are giggling in the corner and eating the leftover soup. I sit down with Ash and try to eat some soup. I force down a few sips and watch Uncle Derek take out a bowl for himself.

"So Autumn, what do you like to do for fun?" I smile trying to make conversation.

"Music is my life, but I also paint sometimes but yes music." She giggles as Luke smiles her way.

"Oh cool. Who do you listen to?" I say putting a bit of soup in my mouth.

"I am addicted to this band from Australia named 5sos." I spit my soup out into my bowl.

"Oh my god!" I scream and everyone jumps. "I love them so much!"

"No way! I thought I was like the only person in America that liked them!" I start laughing. "My sunshine is Luke."

"Oh wow mine is Ashton." We both look over to the boys and start cackling.

"What's so funny?" Ash says frowning.

"We both are sitting next to the people we idolize." I say giggling.

"Well at least their names!" Autumn starts laughing and it becomes infectious so we all join. I don't eat much but Autumn finishes early and we run upstairs to listen to music on her phone.

"I love this song!" I say letting the music echo of the walls.

"You're just a little bit out of my limit!" She stands up on the bed and screams.

"It's been two years now! Haven't even seen the best of me!" I scream and we run around my room singing song lyrics. Ash and Luke come into the room and try to calm us down.

"Come on babe..." Ash says poking my arm.

"No! You can't control us!" I scream running over to Autumn.

"We are free spirits! And you can't control us!" She says laughing and we both fall on the bed.

This will always be my best memory of my new friend Autumn.What she didn't know was that we were about to drag her into our issues.

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