Black is the new blue

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I follow Trent into the large room, surrounded by a black swarm. The amount of people in the room makes my head swim. I grab ahold of Trent to keep myself steady. He gives me a small smile and walks toward the front of the room. I see Ms. Melina siting up front, dabbing her eyes with a small white napkin.

"I saved you two seats." She says patting the two brown folding chairs to her right. Trent sits down next to her, and I sit to have an easy exit by the asile. I sit with my hands in my lap while Trent and his aunt argue over him going up to give a speech.

"I can't Melly..." He says groaning into his hands. "If i go up there, I will say something stupid."

"No you won't." She says putting her hand on his thigh. "You just say a few things about how he was your inspiration-"

"But he wasn't" He says squeezing his hands in between his thighs.

"Just say he was Trentie!" She puts a hand on his shoulder. "You know that's what everyone wants to hear?" He nods.

"E-excuse me?" A skinny bald man says over the microphone. "We will be starting the speeches soon..." He then names off the list of people going, with Trent second. He places his hand on my knee.

"I'm nervous." He says squeezing my leg. I put my head on his shoulder.

"It's going to be okay..." I say holding onto his arm.  The first man to speak was Mr. McHenry's brother and also Ms. Melina's late wife. They were divorced because of a slight drinking problem, but either way they were both considered family in Trent's eyes. He was so blue, he was almost black. It scared me to see how depressed he was over his brothers death.

Trent was shaking the whole time. I could feel his fingers vibrating under mine.

"Trent you will be okay. Just look at me okay?" He nods and wipes his hands down on his black dress pant. The bald guy announces it was Trents turn. He gives me one last squeeze of the hand and walks up to the podium.

"As you may know," Trent starts. "Marvin McHenry was my father. He was the usual father, always caring. He helped me start my football career. He coached me through life, death and everything in between. We may not have gotten along much but I am still going to miss him like crazy. He was an amazing father, husband and friend to a lot of people. I am really quite honored to have such a lovely friend, Skylar, to help me through this struggle. I couldn't get through this without you." He then goes to his father casket, already sealed to be put in the ground, and gave it a small pat. He collapses into his chair next to me.

"I'm so sorry..." I say threading my hand through his hands. He just turned and gived me a depressed look.


The rest of the funeral was sniffling faces and bright blue lights, but the more I thought about it I realized that Trent hadn't given off any glow during his speech.

When the speeches were over, Trent lead me to anthor small room with water and a lot of booze. Trent made his way to the booze table.

"Trent what are you doing? You know you are under age?" I say grabbing his arm.

"Just leave me alone Sky." He then procceded to the table, sadly no one stoped him. I walked over and got a drink of water to get my stomach contents to stay down. I talked to the people around me, making small talk. I barely knew Mr. McHenry, but I saw him around the house sometimes. Usually there was an occasional awkward encounter out in public. After about two hours of being questioned until my answers became pre-rehearsed, I decided to get Trent.

"Trent?" I say walking up to him. He is sitting at the bar with his back to me. "Trent!" I say a little more sternly.

"Huh?" He says spinning around in his chair. "Oh hey babe!" He struggles to stand up and throws an arm around my shoulder.

"You are wasted, Trent." He laughs staring at the ground.

"Hmm...I guess I am." I sigh and grab the drink from his hand. He then grabs onto a chair and pushes himself to the door. I follow after him as he uses the walls to keep from collapsing. When we get to the parking lot, he throws his arm around me. "You are so hot in the moonlight babe."

"Trent, it's four in the afternoon." I try to explain but he contiues on his rambling.

"You look like an angel in disguise." He says then giving me a sloppy wink. I roll my eyes at his attempt to use song lyrics to flirt with me. I get him to lean agaisnt the passenger door, trying to come up with a way to put him in the car without him falling.

"Okay, how are we-" I start but he kisses me. His rough hands steading themselves on my waist. I snake my hands up his back and tug on  his hair. His breath smells like whiskey and a broken heart. I let him climb into the covers to hide from the world. I let him drown himself in me like he did in alcohol because drowning is known to be peaceful.

After about 10 minutes and people start to leave the funeral, I feel a bit strange making out with the recently deceased son.

"Trent." I say holding his face away from mine. "People are staring."

"Let them." He says nibling on my neck.

"Trent..." I push him off me now. "Stop!' I hear him groan into my ear.

"Stop being such a bitch and just kiss me." I freeze.

"Excuse me?" I say snapping at him.

"You heard me, you don't always have to hide in your little emo hole." He says laughing into my hair. I push him hard, luckily there was no car next to us because he lands on his ass.

"Forget you Trent!" I scream walking around to the drivers side. I start the car and wait for him to get in. I lay my head on the steering wheel and cry until I know my makeup won't be on anymore. Finally, Trent crawls into the car. "Put your seat bealt on." He grumbles under his breath and struggles to find the entrance to the lock. 

Frustrated by his grunts to find it, I stop before I pull out of the funeral parkinglot and reach over. I slam the stupid seatbealt in and drive off. He stares at me with a his eyes struggling to focus.

"Can I at least play some music?" He says. I don't answer so he plays a random rock song from a band I've never heard of. I see him crank the volume all the way up.

"Turn it down!" I scream over the music. He rolls his eyes and turns it down two notches. I groan and turn it down to a barable volume. After the ten minute drive to his house, I set the car in park in his drive way.

"We are done." I say grabbing my clutch and storming home. When I get home, Josh is sprawled out on the couch, without the annoying Barbie doll.

"How was it?" Josh says giving me a quick look and back to the T.V.

"Depressing." I say sliding off my shoes and throwing my clutch on the ground. I see him nod and I collapse on the couch next to him. "Mom and Dad staying late?" He nods.

"Well, did you eat atleast?" I shake my head. "Pizza in the kitchen." I see the pizza has olives on it. I usually love olives but really do I need more black? I sigh and throw it into the mircowave. I shove it down my throat and walk over to the stairs.

"I'm going to bed Josh."

"Okay, goodnight." I grab my clutch off the stairs and I feel my phone vibrating. I pulg it into my outlet and collapse on my bed.

Authors Note: Sorry I was so mad with this chapter that I didn't really edit it...oops sorry not sorry. Oh and shout out to my buddy Autumn! ILY :)

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