Do blue eyes have blue stories?

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After an extremely awkward dinner with Ms. Melina, I give Trent a kiss on the cheek and head for the door.

"Why do you have to go?" He says pouting.

"I'm in enough trouble for skipping school...I might as well show up to dinner at the right time today." I sigh runing my hands through my hair.

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." I give him a hug and start off to my doom.

I open the door to my house and slowly close the door. Maybe I can sneak up to my room-

"Skylar? Is that you?" I hear my mom say, the chair sqealing on the tile.

"Yup mom I'm home." I see her come around the corner, her eyes squinted.

"I can't believe you would skip school."

"His mom died!"

"Well would he hang over here all day if I died?" She says crossing her arms. Why does she give a shit?

"No we would go out to a club or something because you never let me do anything!" I scream and run upstairs. I jump into my bed and groan into my pillow, automatcally feeling bad for screaming at my mom. I sit up and move my hair out of my face. I need a shower ew. I get up and grab some pjs and jump in the shower. I sing along to a couple pop songs that I know the lyrics to. I get out and get dressed. I am too lazy to dry my hair so I just throw it up in a bun.

I see my laptop still sitting on my bag. I pull it out and open the chat.

Sky: Clara are you going to school tomorrow?

I send my question and check my twitter and other social media sights until she answers.

Grey: Yeah...Why weren't you here today?

Sky: I had a friend that had a family member pass away.

Grey: That must have sucked. It must have been like talking to a shadow.

Sky: Yeah but I was able to cheer him up.

Grey: Ew. Thanks for that information. See you tomorrow?

Sky: Sure want to meet in the courtyard in the morning?

Grey: Fine. Just don't bring depression boy around me.

Sky: He doesnt have a lot of friends...

Grey: FIne. But if i get a headache and randomly leave, no gossip.

Sky: Okay see yah.

 Grey: Bye.

I sigh and close my computer. It's already 10 when I finally stop chatting her. I check my phone for messages from Trent, nothing. So I decide to go to bed.


I sit in the courtyard eargly in the morning. I am wearing all black, excpet for the yellow out line of my 5sos shirt. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. It's from Trent.

My mom's funeral's today. Wont be at school. sorry.

I sigh and send him a quick responce when someone sits in front of me. It's Annie from the other day at lunch.

"Oh hey Annie." I say pulling out a headphone nub.

"Annie?" She says raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah. Fuck. You were those two weirdos that came up to me!"

"Clara?" I say my jaw dropping.

"Uh yeah." She says moving some of her long black hair out of the way.

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