Can I see my own blue?

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I woke up on Sunday morning to the sound of my phone buzzing on my nightstand. Instictlvly, I reach over and see I have 20 missed calls and over a hundred text messages from Trent. All the memories of that night flood in. I groan and put my phone on my nightstand again.

I look down to see I'm still wearing my slut dress and decide I need to burn it. I roll off my bed and put on a pair of sweatpants and a white tanktop. I throw my hair in a bun and drag myself to go get breakfest. The phone rings when I am looking in the fridge for milk.

"Sky, Trents on the phone." Josh says walking in with the house phone pressed agaisnt his hand.

"I don't want to talk." I say pulling a spoon out of a drawer.

"But he's asking-"

"Josh I said I dont want to talk to him!" He sighs and puts the phone to his ear.

"She's in the shower...yeah I'll tell her...Yup...Okay bye." He hangs up the phone forcfully."He sounds horrible Sky!"

"Don't get on his side without hearing either sides of the story?" I say pointing my spoon at him.

"Well fine. What happened between you two?" I groan. I really didn't want to talk about this again. "You have to tell me Sky."

"He got drunk."

"Mmm?" He says biting into a piece of toast.

"He kissed me in public."


"Then he called me a bitch for not kissing him back." No response.

"Then he called me emo." I see him go towards the phone.

"Hello. Yes where is the asshole that called my little sister-"

"We are in the same grade Josh." I say rolling my eyes.

"Oh sorry Ms. Melina. Let me clarify." Then he left the room leaving the rest of the conversation for my imagination. Maybe Josh will go and kick his ass. I laugh at my attempt to be mean to Trent, but I know he could drag me back to him in a minute. Josh comes back in smiling big.

"Why are you smiling?" I say with my elbows on the counter.

"I'm going to kill him." He says with a giddy smile. He then opens his arms to me and I collapse into them. "When did you do this?" He says pointing to my streak.

"Oh a couple of days ago." He nods and curls me back into a hug.

"I am so sorry Sky some people are just not meant to be together." I nod and let the tears flow down my face.

"You know what you need?" He says pulling my head up.

"What?" I say rubbing my eyes.

"A shopping spree." I laugh and look down at what I was wearing.

"Maybe I do." I say smiling. He nods and shoos me upstairs to get ready.


The mall is completely crowded for a Sunday and its quite annoying. I chose to wear a my white tanktop and a jean jacket, but I sadly don't own any other jeans besides black ones. We walk into the first store and Josh picks out this really girly blouse with white little flowers all over it.

"It looks like something Meghan would wear..." He sighs and puts it back.

"You can't hide in black clothes your whole life." He says holding a grey shirt out, same style, just not as brightly colored.

"Compromise?" I nod.


We spent almost a whole hour in Hot Topic and thirty minutes combined in all the other stores. I successfully got two dressy shirts and a dress. The dress really surprized me. It was the same color of my streak. It had a lace outline and a small black belt to comfort my frame. Josh bought it saying before he killed Trent, I could show it off to him.

We stopped at Mcdonalds on the way home but I struggle to choke down all the food. Although our shopping day distracted my brain it did not distract my stomach. Honestly, my appetite has been almost non-existant since the whole Trent issue.

We got home at around 530 and Trent was sitting on my doorstep.

"Josh..." I say watching as Trent stood and walked towards us. Josh rolls down his window as Trent comes up.

"Can we talk Sky?" He says his eyes watering. I turn away from him and look out the window.

"She doesn't want to talk." Josh says sternly. "Now get off my car." Trent steps away from the car, and Josh guns it into the driveway. I go to the truck and drag all of my shopping backs. I feel a hand on my sholder.

"Get off me!" I say shrugging off Trents hand.

"Please..." I can almost feel the black light oozing off of him. "I need you." I turn sharp and smack his hand away.

"You don't need me. You need a doll to kiss and someone to stroke your ego." His eyes drop. "I won't fall for you anymore."

I turned inside leaving the love of my life alone.

Authors note: Sorry this one is really short I'm trying to get all the ideas to flow :) love yall!

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