Numb and Blue

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My legs won't move. I tried to make a sound but he left. Asher, my love, thinks that I still like this idiot. I mean I love Trent, but he's just a friend. Josh walks back in while I am frozen in thought. He grabs my shoudlers.

"Sky? What's going on?" I just stare at the door. "Sky?" He tries to shake me out of my daze, but I just stand and stare. Josh leads me over to a chair next to Trent. They talk for a little about school life when a familar face comes running through the door.

"You're awake!" Meghan says squealing, totally ignoring me. They do this whole 'I missed you so much' and all the other soppy stuff. I stand and walk out of the room. I pull out my phone and call a taxi service. The man that picks me up is quite creepy. He has a few missing teeth and has knotted black hair. He gives me a smile in the rear view mirror. I look back at my phone and try to distract myself.

"So what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone in a big town like this?" My hand starts shaking, "So what's your adress?" I lie and say I am going to a local coffee shop, I see the blue in him deepen. He drops me off and I hand him a few bills. I run inside and sit down in a booth. I realize after a while, it's the same coffee shop Ash and I went to a while ago. I burry my face in my arms. I start crying into the table, but struggle to muffle it.

"Love, Are you okay?" I hear an exotic accent. I rub my eyes and look up to see a beautiful blonde haired boy, his blue eyes are staring down at me.

"I-I'm fine." I say picking up a menu. "Can I have a tea?" He nods and writes it down on his notepad. He walks away and comes back with two teas. He sits across from me, sliding one of the tea cups in front of me.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He says taking a sip of tea.

"No." I say dragging my finger around in mine.

"Do you want some sugar, or are you sweet enough?" He says smiling. I giggle and take a sip.

"Nope." He chuckles and gives me a smile.

"Sweet heart, you came in here crying from a cabby. I saw you purposly make your way to this booth." My heart flutters a little at his words.

"I boyfriend thinks I'm cheating on him...I'm not...but my bestfriend kissed me and..." I cover my face in shame. He pulls my hands apart and looks at me. I notice he has a small lip piercing.

"Love please don't be sad." He says. I smile and pull my hands away. "You just need to talk to him about it okay." I nod as he stands. He grabs a napkin from the table and scibbles something down.

"I'm Luke. Call me if you still have trouble." He slides over the napkin with his number on it.


I can walk to my house from the coffee shop, so I decide to walk instead of risking getting in that taxi again. When I get home, Josh and Ash jump up from the couch.

"Sky!" They both scream and run over to me.

"What's wrong guys?" Ash burries his face in my neck.

"I was so scared! I couldn't find you? You weren't answering your phone!" I pull my phone out of my pocket and scroll through all my missed calls and texts.

"Sorry." I mumble into his fluffy hair. Ash lets go of me, probably realizing how much he hates me.

"I'm so glad you're okay, but we need to talk." I nod and follow him up to my room. He closes the door behind me.

"I can explain." I go over and sit on my bed. He stares over at me, crossing his arms making me feel like a little kid. "So I walked in and he was awake. I hugged him and told him I felt horrible about leaving him to deal with his parents death alone. He got the wrong feeling about what I was saying and he pulled me in for a kiss." I take a desprate breath. He runs his hands through his hair.

"Princess, I believe you but..."

"Isn't the point of believing me that you believe me?"

"Sky that makes no sense." He says walking over to sit next to me.

"I know." He puts his arm around me.

"You're cute when you're frustrated."

"That's kind of mean."

"I love you Sky."

"I love you Ash."


I wake in the morning and roll over and check my phone. I have a text from Ash.

princess call me when you wake from your beauty sleep :)

I open my phone and press call.

"Hello Romeo."

"Hello princess, it's saturday remember?"

"Yup, where are we going?" I hear him chuckle.

"Since you need to dress appropriatly, we are going to the beach. I hope you have a cute bikini for me to see." I laugh.

"Fine, I'll wear my new one."

"Pick you up in 20!" Then the line goes dead. I jump up and put on my new dark blue bikini with little white stripes. I put on a little white crop top that says 'love' on it and jean shorts. I lightly curl my hair and put on my waterproof makeup. Josh is watching tv downstairs when I rush down.

"Hey, I'm going to the beach with Ash." He nods and waves me off. Ash comes driving up right as come outside. He jumps out of the car and hugs me, lifting me in the air.

"I hate being in an argument with you." He says putting me on the ground.

"Same here." He gives me a sweet kiss. We get in the car, roll the windows down and sing obnoxiously loud in the car. When we get there, he grabs a towel and a picnic basket. We walk hand and hand until we find a good spot.

"Is this good?" I smile.

"Perfect." We lay out a blanket and put on sun screen.

"Hey um Ash...?" I say while he's putting sun screen on his face.


"Can you get my back?" I say taking off my shirt. His eyes almost pop out of his head.

"Uh sure babe." He puts some in his hand and rubs it on my back. He doesn't talk like he usually does.

"You okay Ash?" I hear him make a little whimper.

"Uh your bathing suit came undone." I giggle.

"Can you tie it back?" I turn around and see his face flush.

"Sure..." I feel the strings tighten on my back.

"Is that okay?"

"Yup." I say sitting up. "You know what you are so awkward."

"I'm not that awkward."

"Really? Than look me in the eyes..." He scans over my way and flicks his eyes towards me. I give him a playful push and he stands. He puts his hand down and he helps me up. We walk towards the water. He runs in and dives face first. I see him surface a couple yards away. I slowly make my way into the water until I'm next to him.

"That took forever..."He pouts. "I missed you." He wraps his arm around my waist, and I sling my arms around his neck. I go for a kiss, but he has other plans in mind. He dunks my head underwater, the salt stinging my face. I jump up and grab onto his arm.

"Meany!" I yell wiping off my face. He chuckles and I jump on his back. We walk back on shore. He lays me down on our blanket. We lay facing each other, he drapes his hand around my back. We sit and talk until we get to hot then we run back to the water. The sun is starting to go down and we go on a walk down the beach.

"I can offically add 'long walks on the beach' to the things I like doing." I say squeezing his hand.

"Well I would only like it if you were here." He says picking me up bridal style. "I love you Skylar Monet."

"I love you Asher Enderson."

This was my favorite moment with the love of my life.

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