Blue, pancakes and more blue

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I woke to the sound of my phone playing a 5sos song. I look up to see Ash with my phone, the headphones cranked up.

"It's like you hear them and just like go to the sound." Ash says chuckling. "You don't mind right."

"I don't mind if you let me listen." I say grabbing a nub out of his ear. The song playing is Wrapped Around Your Finger by 5sos. I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest.

"Sky..." He says shaking me. "What is this?" He points to all the comments coming from the videos.

"Um well that's what happened." He presses play, shutting off my music. This one starts right after the water pours down me. I see myself jump up. The person behind the camera snickers. My heart races as I see myself yell and fling the mac and cheese. I see Trent come up to Meghan and give her a napkin. Then the screen goes black. "Wow you are a badass." He says snuggling his face in my hair.

"Not really..." The image is now burned in my mind of Trent going up to Meghan. "He told him."

"Huh?" He says scrolling through my music.

"Trent told Josh." I hear the screen door downstairs slam. I crawl over Ash and run downstairs. I give Josh a big hug.

"Hey girl...You okay? You weren't on the bus how did you get-" He stops when he sees Ash walk down the stairs. "Get the fuck out of my house."

"Josh stop, He didn't know!" I yell pushing on his chest. Josh's eyes snap to me.

"Why didn't you tell him!" My respose trips on my tounge and sprint to the upstairs bathroom. I throw up all the water I downed before I went to sleep.

"Sky?" Josh says running into the bathroom.

"I'm fine..." I cough a little more and then get up to brush my teeth.

"You've always had a nervous stomach but..."

"It's just stress." I say wiping my face. "I didn't tell him because I was scared that you would hurt him..."

"And you thought I wasn't going to hurt them after they went on a date?"

"I-I honestly couldn't..." I tense up and lean on the counter. "I don't know, just don't hurt Ash..."

"Fine." He says turning ans heading towards his room.

"Wait!" I call out to him. He spins around and gives me a death stare.

"I know Trent told you." His face scrunches up.


"Guys are so blind sometimes." I mumble. "He's trying to get Meghan back..."

"You don't think I know that!" He screams. I back away.

"I- well he went..."

"Just stop Sky. I know you are trying to help, but honestly that guy looked like crap..he needs her more than I do." And with that he storms into his room.

I walk back downstairs and see Ash sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.

"Ash, it's not your fault." He looks up with tears in his eyes.

"Yeah yeah...whatever." He says standing.

"You don't have to act strong for me Ash." I say putting my hands behind his neck.

"I'm not acting." He says sternly. I shake my head and walk to the kitchen. My stomach growls. I silently curse at it. Are you hungry or are you ready to burst again?

"You hungry?" He says coming behind me while I stand staring in the cabinet.

"Kinda." He picks me up and sets me on the counter.

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