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I was surprised at most, not expecting him to be here.

I smiled warmly at him, "Hello..Moonbin?".

He nodded and I stood up, my hand out, he shook it, "You are?".

"Dongmin, Lee Dongmin."

He sat in the vacant seat beside Myungjun and then we realised that they were staring.

"W-we met earlier, I bumped into him."

They nodded and smiled, we continued our conversation.


I needed to get to the office quickly, she didn't like me late.

I briskly walked, the sky was bright blue and cloudless, the sun bet down on the pavement.

I suddenly bumped into a tall young man, my age.

He looked up and oh my god, he's handsome, perfect.

I smirked at him, "Hello stranger..".

"H-hello.."He stuttered, I saw him mentally face palm by his expression.

He moved and walked away, I blushed and turned around, his head was low and I felt my cheeks go red.

I continued with my walk, slightly irritated that she wants me there earlier than usual.

My phone rang loudly, I answered the call, it was Minhyuk.

"Binnie, Sanha invited us over to meet his new friend, well not new it like- you know what I mean, childhood friend".

I smiled, "Sure! I'll be there."

"Okay great, he wants us to be there at 3, okay?".

"Yeah sure, see you there, just have to drop off things to Sua at the office."

"This early?"He sounded confused, I laughed dryly.

"Yeah, see ya later."


I ended the call and crossed the street, the briefcase tight in my hand.

The office loomed over me, I stepped in and lots of staff greeted me.

"Hello Moonbin, Ms Sua is in her office,"A middle aged woman informed me, I bowed and smiled ,"Thank you."

I entered the elevator and went to the top floor, it opened with a 'ding' and people wearing dark suits greeted me, I smiled at them.

I opened Sua's office door without knocking and startled her, her pen fell off the desk.

"Moonbin!"She scowled, I laughed and closed the door, "Hello Sua."

She shook her head and laughed, "Did you bring them?".

I nodded and handed her the briefcase. He smiled brightly and put it under her desk, I sat down and rested my legs on the other chair.

"So, what's in the briefcase anyway?"I asked her, she jumped, "Nothing to do with you, Binnie."

I pouted, "Suaaa~ Pleasee~".

She giggled, "No, if you worked here you'd know."

I sighed, "I turned down the job because I don't want to work in an office every day of my life."

She 'tsk'ed and continued, "It pays well..".

I turned to her sharply, "I'm still in school, Sua, I don't want a job."

I got up, "I have somewhere to be, I'll see you at home."

"Home?"She furrowed her brows, I sighed again, "Mom and Dad invited us over last night, they want us to have a family dinner."

"Dammit. I have paperwork to do."She cursed, I shrugged, "They're gonna kill you."

"Ugh, out Bin, out."

I walked out of her office and left the building, checking the time, 2:45pm.

I quickly walked towards Sanha's apartment block and saw the boys about to enter the building, "Hey wait!"

They turned and Jinwoo hyung smiled, "Moonbin! Come on."

We walked in together and went into the elevator.

"Okay guys, Sanha said that his friend is really shy and he wants to behave"Myungjun said, we nodded and walked out of elevator.

Jinwoo knocked on the door and we entered, I quickly rushed to the bathroom while the the others greeted Sanha's friend.

I heard the commotion and then quickly flushed the toilet. I ran out to the hall and opened the door loudly.

I stared at the person infront of me and was shocked.

He gasped lightly and I smirked, "Hello stranger.."


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