401 16 19

But I love Binnie's kisses..

Moonbin flushed a deep red as Dongmin giggled, "Cutie, you're such a cutie.."

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy."

"Yeah, sure.."

Dongmin rolled his eyes and laced his fingers with Moonbin's.

"I want Binnie's kisses..."

Moonbin rolled his eyes playfully, staring at the older male with adoration in his eyes.

Everything attracted him to Dongmin, his sparkly dark eyes, plump tempting pink lips, shiny soft black hair, his smile..

Moonbin could stare at Dongmin's smile all day without hesitation.

"Hello again, here is your order enjoy!"

HoTaek returned with their breakfast and also a small plate of cookies,

"On the house, my boss overheard you talking about Hyuna's, his wife is the owner and he was happy you shopped there."

Dongmin's heart swelled, "Oh my god, that's so cute."

"Why can't you be cute like that you broccoli looking bitch?"

Moonbin's eyes widened, "What- leave me alone, I'm not tolerating this abuse."

HoTaek laughed and bowed, walking away.

The boys ate their breakfast quietly, then got up, leaving a small tip with the bill.

"I'm going to see my mom.."Dongmin sang happily, kicking his feet childishly while the two walked back to Moonbin's car.

Moonbin giggled at the older male who, despite his age, had a mind lighter than a child's, he was sinfully cute in his own unique ways.

They both got into the car and Dongmin immediately plugged in the aux cord.

He shuffled through his array of songs and settled on one playlist.

Moonbin's playlist

The first song began and Moonbin's face lit up, he smiled brightly as the two drove out of the car park.

The quiet soft melody of eyes, nose, lips by Taeyang began playing softly, Moonbin's hand reached out to Dongmin's and held it tightly.


"Aaanddd.. just in here."

Moonbin followed Dongmin's finger to a small bungalow nestled in a garden and bright flowers.

Moonbin parked the car and the boys stepped out, Moonbin quickly ran to Dongmin's side and held his hand.

Dongmin blushed yet didn't object to the simple skinship. Dongmin walked to the front door and knocked gently.

A loud crash followed by frantic footsteps followed and the door was opened by a middle-aged woman, who had the happiest smile on her face.


She hugged her son tightly and the boys walked inside, Dongmin smiled, inhaling his mother's familiar scent of the forest.

Her eyes flickered to the tall, awkward looking boy and smiled.

"You must be Dongmin's boyfriend, right?"

Before Dongmin could interfere, Moonbin nodded slightly, "Yes ma'am."

"Aw, honey, don't call me ma'am, call me mom."

Moonbin's eyes widened as Dongmin's mother gave him a small wink and walked away.

"Dinner will be ready shortly!"

The two boys were blushing and awkward the middle of hallway and Dongmin walked into the living room, who Moonbin followed like a lost puppy.

Moonbin sat down and immediately wrapped his arm around Dongmin's shoulders the older flicked through the channels of the TV.

Dongmin leaned his head on Moonbin's chest as he settled on a drama.

"Your mom seems nice.."Moonbin begun as Dongmin nodded, "Yeah. But she can be crazy man."

Dongmin rubbed his cheek against Moonbin's chest and the younger make looked down and his eyes met with a smiling Dongmin.

Cute. Moonbin thought instantly.

"Boys! Dinner!"

The two broke eye contact and sat up, walking to the kitchen.

They entered the kitchen and saw an array of different dishes and sides.

Moonbin's eyes glinted as he stared at the mass of different foods varying from tteokbokki to pizza.

The boys sat down and Ms Lee joined them.

"So, Moonbin. Do you have a job? Or are you studying? How do you plan on supporting my son?"

Dongmin's eyes widened, "Mom! We aren't dating, he's just a friend."

Moonbin scoffed, "He's in denial."

Miss Lee smiled at Moonbin's playful attitude, she was glad Dongmin found someone, even though it had been only a little under a month.

"Mom, how's Felix? Is he settling in well?"

Miss Lee nodded as she took a slice of pizza, "Yeah, he called me a few days ago, he said his roommate is nice and can cook!"

Dongmin smiled and turned to Moonbin, who was confusedly eating some pork.

"Felix is my cousin, he used to live with us, he moved to Australia, where his dad was from, to study music."

Moonbin nodded, "Maybe I'll meet him in the future."

"Highly unlikely, he said he would only visit at Christmas."

Then Christmas it is.

just a filler :/ didn't think it meant much aha hope you're enjoying this fanfic :)) I enjoy writing it jsjs

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