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I know a way I could warm you up.

"Oh my God! It's a wild pervert!"

Moonbin widened his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the older.

Dongmin smiled at the younger as he wrapped himself in a towel, watching the brunette introduce himself to some kids, who let him build a sand castle with them.

Dongmin smiled at the male, his goofy grin and mischievous eyes, his sun-kissed skin and long, full eyelashes, dark brown hair that was tossled perfectly and his thin, soft, pink-toned lips.

Dongmin was overwhelmed by the sudden feeling of affection- of love, that he had for one human being.

It made him want to cry.

He stared at Moonbin, who was smiling at the little girl he had filled a bucket with sand for.

Dongmin reached over to the small backpack he brought and opened it, taking out a small container.

He opened the container and the smell of tomato soup greeted him, he sighed in satisfaction and grabbed a two spoons from his bag.

"Moonbin! Lunch!"

The brunette lifted his head up and smiled, "Coming!"

He said goodbye to the two kids but not before the small girl hugged his leg and asked if she could meet Dongmin.

Or as she called him, 'The pretty boy'.

Moonbin smiled at the small child before chuckling, "I don't know Yeona, your mother might be worried about you, no?"

"Mother? Which one? I have two mothers!"

Moonbin widened his eyes, he glanced at Dongmin who had a happy expression.

"Well, let's go ask your mothers if you can meet the pretty boy, okay?"

She nodded, "Bye bye Soyeon, I'm going to meet the pretty boy!"

The boy pouted at her but nodded, resuming work on his sand tower.

Dongmin watched Yeona drag Moonbin in the direction of her mothers, which were lying down side-by-side on the blanket, soaking in the rays of sunshine.

"Mamas! This is Binnie oppa!"

One of the mother's, a woman with blue hair, looked up and smiled at her daughter, "Hello dear, is this Binnie?"

She smiled up at Moonbin, who had an awkward smile on his face, Yeona kneeled down beside her mother, "Binnie oppa has to eat now but can I go over and meet the pretty boy with him?"

She pointed over to Dongmin, who had busied himself getting out a small, table to go over their knees while they ate.

"Where's Soyeon, dear?"

"At the sandcastles!"

The other woman opened her eyes and both of them looked over at Dongmin.

"So, can I!?"

"Sure honey! But be back when I call for you, okay?"

She nodded and squealed happily, getting onto her feet and held Moonbin's hand, "Let's go!"

Moonbin chuckled at the Yeona and led her toward Dongmin.

Once she was a foot away she stopped and gasped, then hastily walked up to him and pointed at him, "You're gorgeous!"

Dongmin looked at her and blushed crimson, "T-thank you.. "

She sat down across from him and watched the two sort out their meal, tomato soup and salad, with some orange juice.

"I'm Yeona! What's your name?"

"I'm Dongmin. Do you want anything to eat? I have some left over?"

"Ooo yes please!"

Moonbin chuckled at the two, he put some soup into a small bowl he brought in case they met a friend.

He gave her a spoon and a fork so she could take any vegetable she wanted out of the container which held the salad.

"Be careful Yeona, it's hot"Dongmin warned her, she nodded and blew softly on the spoonful of soup, she sipped it and then smiled.

"Wow oppas! This is amazing! Did you make it all by yourselves?"

Dongmin chuckled, "Binnie made the soup while I packed up our things."

She nodded and they all continued into meaningless conversation.

"Are you boyfriends?"She asked suddenly, Dongmin chuckled and nodded, "Yes, we're boyfriends."

She smiled, "My mamas are.. they are.. wives! That's the word, my mamas are wives!"

Moonbin cooed at her and Dongmin smiled.

"Yeona dear! Time to go, we're going home!"

A voice was heard, Yeona frowned and sighed, "I-I don't want to go home, I wanna stay here with Minnie oppa and Binnie oppa.... "

Moonbin petted her hair softly, "It's okay Yeona, we'll still be your friends."

"Yeona?"The voice was closer, a woman walked towards them, she smiled at the group, "Hi, I'm Songha, Yeona's mot- well, one of them."

The three older ones shared a laugh and the two introduced themselves properly.

"Mama I don't want to go home!"

"Honey, we have to. Soyeon doesn't feel the best and we need to take him to the doctor.."

Yeona pouted but nodded, "Okay mama.."

She turned and hugged Dongmin, "Bye pretty boy.."

Dongmin smiled at the nickname, "Goodbye darling.."

She let go and turned to Moonbin and hugged him tightly, "Goodbye Binnie oppa, take care of pretty boy.."

Moonbin smiled sadly, "I will, goodbye Yeona."

She waved at them and they returned it, then she walked away with her mother, then out of sight.

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