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also shout out to itsmoonbinnie prettydongmin istanbtsandastro SnowKitten82 for being active commenters and voters on my book I'm so grateful and i'm so happy 💞 __________________________________

"There's only two weeks until school is back, I think you should meet my family.. "

Dongmin widened his eyes, his throat had gone dry, "Y-your family?"

"Yeah, I think they should meet the man that made my life meaningful."

Dongmin blushed and burritoed himself into the warm blanket of his bed.

He wrapped himself up until nothing could be seen except his eyes.

He stared at Moonbin, who was cooing at the sight, "You're so cute baby.."

Dongmin blushed further and hid his face, he felt the bed shift and when he peaked out, two mischievous brown eyes stared back at him.

"Sit on my lap.."

Dongmin did as he was told and positioned himself on Moonbin's strong thighs.

He still had the blanket around him and Moonbin scowled, "Baby boy I can't kiss you if you have all the blanket blocking your face."

Dongmin kept the blanket over his face to tease the brunette, who tsked and shook his head.

"Dongminnie isn't listening to me, what am I going to do huh?"

Dongmin giggled, though it was muffled by the thick blanket.

"Should I just rip it off him?"Moonbin's words sent shivers down the older back.

"Maybe I will..."

Dongmin was a blushing baby, he clung onto the blanket with all his might.

He gasped lightly when he felt the younger males hands slide up and down his thighs, dangerously close to his butt.

"Are you going to give me what I want?"

Dongmin shook his head lightly, his breath hitched immediately when Moonbin's hand touched his butt slightly, caressing the soft skin.

"Dongmin.."Moonbin whispered, his voice deep and breathy, Dongmin whimpered at the sound.

"Dongmin, I want to kiss you, and maybe even more and I know you want that too, right? So let me."

Dongmin shyly removed the blanket from his face, the minute his lips were exposed they were trapped in a hungry kiss.

Moonbin kissed Dongmin harshly, biting and suckling on the soft tender skin.

Dongmin groaned, pushing himself into the kiss, loving the feeling of the younger's lips against his.

His hands went up Moonbin's arms, feeling up his strong biceps, then tangled themselves in his dark brown locks.

"You taste so good baby boy.."Moonbin muttered into the kiss, Dongmin pulled apart, Moonbin growled at the action.

"Kiss me. Now."

"N-no.. we have to go to-"

"They can wait"Moonbin roughly pushed him into another kiss, pushing his tongue into the older's mouth.

Dongmin whined, pulling Moonbin's hair harshly, then trailed his fingers into the collar of Moonbin's t-shirt.

Moonbin moved down to Dongmin's neck, kissing and licking it, littering it with red and purple marks.

"I love doing this to you, I love you."

"I-I love you too Binnie..."

"I'm nervous.."

Moonbin cooed and held Dongmin's warm hand, rubbing it soothingly with his thumb.

"Don't be, I'm sure they'll love you."

"Wait! Did you cover up the-"

"Yes, don't worry, they won't see them, on either of us."

The brunette knocked on the door softly, quiet footsteps were heard and the door opened to reveal a tall, skinny woman.

"Moonbin.. we didn't expect to see you.."

Moonbin smiled stiffly, "Hello Mom.."

Her attention flickered to Dongmin, who stood slightly behind Moonbin, awkward and a little scared.

"You are?"

"D-dongmin ma'am.."

She nodded, "You're his boyfriend, right?"

Dongmin blushed and nodded again, "Yes ma'am.. "

Moonbin's mother tsked, "Call me Soojin."

Dongmin nodded and smiled, Moonbin's mother opened the door wider and the two stepped inside.

The interior looked expensive and soft, it brightened the house.

"Hansung, Sua, come meet Bin's boyfriend.."

The boys walked towards the kitchen door and two faces stared at them.

One, a man, he looked a lot like Moonbin, now Dongmin knew where he got his features from.

A girl sat across from him, long, black hair and a kindly looking face.

"You never said Moonbin would be here..."

Her voice was high-pitched and Moonbin frowned, "I can come here if I want to, Sua."

"I know Bin but we were discussing things, about the company.. "

Moonbin nodded and smiled awkwardly, Dongmin kept his head down.

"I-it's nice to meet you.."

"Come sit down, boy, Soojin just prepared some dinner"Moonbin's father said, Dongmin nodded and sat in an available seat.

Moonbin sat beside him and held his hand tightly, Dongmin glanced at him and smiled.

"Do you like fish, Dongmin?"

Dongmin's eyes widened, he was panicking internally, he couldn't say no, it was extremely rude.

Luckily Moonbin stepped in for him, "No mom, he doesn't."

"I was asking him Moonbin, but anyways, I have steak as well."

"Yes Mom.."

The dinner was served and Dongmin's taste buds flared, it was absolutely delicious.

"S-soojin.. this is amazing, you are a great cook.."

She smiled at him, "Thank you Dongmin, I just wish other people would appreciate it."

She was glaring at Moonbin, who kept his head down, embarrassed.

Dongmin chuckled, Moonbin scowled, "It's hot in here.."

Moonbin pulled down the neck of his turtle neck slightly, cooling himself, but he would instantly regret it.

Moonbin, are those hickeys?

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