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The two trouble makers broke the news about Jinwoo and Myungjun, this exactly how it went down.

"Sanha, Myungjun and Jinwoo mated on your bed."

"What? They did w- WAIT OH MY GOD-"

The end result was that the two oldest weren't allowed in Dongmin and Sanha's apartment for a week.

Moonbin and Dongmin it was best to tell Sanha and Minhyuk that they were dating together, so Moonbin called Minhyuk and he had agreed to come over.

Now, Minhyuk and Sanha were seated on the couch while the Dongmin and Moonbin stood in front of them, anxious and excited.

"So...what did you want to tell us?"

Minhyuk nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I have to get back soon, Mom has sausage for dinner."

Moonbin chuckled, "I thought the only sausage you wanted was Sa-"

Dongmin kicked him in the shin and scowled, "Bin, I think we have something to tell them."

Moonbin glanced back at his boyfriend before smiling softly, "Fine."

Moonbin gulped and stared at the two boys, more anxious than ever.

It came out in almost one word, jumbled and rushed.


Sanha smiled happily, jumping up off the couch to hug Dongmin, "Congrats guys! I always knew my ship would sail!"

Dongmin smiled and hugged him back.

Minhyuk frowned before quickly covering it up with a smile, "I-I'm happy for you guys, congrats.."

Moonbin hugged him and Minhyuk heaved, he was bitter, but wouldn't show it.

The two males released their friends and smiled to each other.

They were happy, no one had opposed.

Except one.

"I think you should tell me about Hana now."

Dongmin sighed, he wished he hadn't heard that dreaded name.


Moonbin smiled to himself, he honestly didn't think it would work.

"Where should I start?"

"Maybe...how you met?"

Dongmin sighed and lid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I was love struck. She was new to our school and she was gorgeous

I was questioning my sexuality at the time and I thought that having a crush on her confirmed I was straight, I was so wrong..

We got close through singing lessons, then I asked her out, she said yes, surprisingly. "

Dongmin breathed out and Moonbin gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"We dated through freshman year, but it was during summer break that I realised our relationship was failing, she became more obsessed and I was starting to like her less

It was when I fully understood that I was gay we talked about it, she of course, yelled at me and my plan of ending it calmly was gone

I told her I didn't have feelings for her anymore but I still wanted us to be friends, she hated the idea and thought it was an excuse, she thought I had found someone else

I deleted her number and unfriended her on all social medias I had her on, that's what she meant by I left her, I didn't contact her anymore"

Moonbin was fascinated, staring at the older with wide eyes, he hadn't known much about his life besides his mother.

"When we came back for sophomore year, I ignored her, I was cold and I kept telling her 'we are over' but she just..didn't listen, I regret the way I acted toward her but what else could I do?

I tried to get over it, but she was always there, watching and begging me to take her back, it was almost pathetic

Sanha helped me, he was the first person to talk to me after the school found out I was gay, and we stayed friends."

Moonbin caressed his boyfriend's hand and smiled up at him, "Thank you for telling me.."

Dongmin's gaze went on him, "No, thank you for listening."

Moonbin moved closer to the older and stroked his cheek softly, "I love you Dongmin."

Dongmin's cheeks burned, he leaned in and gave Moonbin a soft, sweet peck on the lips.

"I love you more."

"I love you most."


"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! Come at me!"

The two spent their evening sharing hugs, kisses and tickling each other, their laughter heard through the entire building.

I melted writing this lool

I thot this needed some fluff oof

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