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(warning! homophobia!)

Moonbin gulped and watched Dongmin leave, then turned and walked into the large building which he hated.

He kept his head down as he walked into the freezing building, it was always extra cold on a Monday.


Moonbin raised his head and smiled as he saw Minhyuk and Sanha walking in his direction, he unlocked his locker just as they arrived.

"The camping trip was fun, wasn't it?"

Moonbin glared at the younger, "Sanha, if you make me go on another trip I'm going to rip off your dick and staple it to your forehead."

Sanha widened his eyes and held his hands up in surrender, Minhyuk doubled over laughing and leaned against Moonbin's locker, "Are you looking forward to art? I heard we have a new teacher."

Moonbin raised his brow, "Oh? Have you seen them yet?"

"No. But I heard it's a girl, and she's young. We're going to see some good things in art, huh?"

Moonbin knew what the ravenette was talking about, about twenty teenage boys in the same room with a young, unfamiliar teacher, there's bound to be some flirting, and the two couldn't wait to see it.

Sanha pouted, "You're lucky you guys have double art now, I have math with Mr Han and he's a pain."

Moonbin laughed at him and shut his locker shut, and zipped up his bag.

"Hey! Moonbin!"

Moonbin recognised the voice and groaned, put on a fake smile and turned to meet three people.

Seo Chan, Min Jungyoo and Park Jaehyung.

Jungyoo, the 'leader' of the group sneered in Moonbin's direction, "I saw you kissing someone outside school, your boyfriend?"

Moonbin smiled proudly, "Yeah. Problem?"

Jungyoo blinked, not expecting a snarky answer, "N-no. Just asking, jeez. What's his name?"

Moonbin rolled his eyes, "None of your business."

Jaehyung snorted but was quickly hit in the ribs by Chan, the ravenette of the group, while Jaehyung had blonde hair, Jungyoo had dyed his seaweed green.

"Come on, tell me, please?"

"Dongmin. Happy?"

Jungyoo smiled, "Very. Handsome, isn't he?"

The brunette narrowed his eyes, "He is. What's it to you?"

Jungyoo smirked, "Don't get all jealous, man. I'm as straight as a-"


Jungyoo glared at Minhyuk, who laughed while Sanha patted him on the back.

"Come on, let's go. I need a drink before class starts."

And with that, the three boys left, leaving Jungyoo and his friends alone, dumbfounded.

Moonbin and Minhyuk entered the loud art room, catching an eyeful of all the students, the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

"Moonbin! I didn't know you were gay!"

"You're boyfriend is hot!"

"Congrats hun!"

Moonbin's face went beet red as he heard the comments, "I..."

A boy walked up to him, "Congratulations."

Moonbin recognised him to be a boy that would spew homophobic bullshit to his friends.

"It's funny, however. I didn't see you as a faggot,"The boy continued, Moonbin's face went red, Minhyuk glared at the other, "Leave him alone."

"What? You a dick lover too, Park?"

Minhyuk widened his eyes. The classroom was still now, listening to the boys' conversation.

"If I am?"Minhyuk's answer came out shakily and he groaned internally.

The boy, Kun, cocked his head to the side in mock shock, "Wow. You got a tongue there. Sassy boy, huh?"

"Kun. Shut the fuck up before I punch you in the teeth."

A small 'oo' echoed around the class, until the door opened once more and a tall brunette walked through the door, "Settle down, class."

They all turned their heads to the woman and even Moonbin widened his eyes, he hadn't expected this, he expected a girly, skirt wearing, high heeled girl.

Her, thought to have, long hair? Cut to a boyish fringe much like Moonbin's. Skirt and jacket? Mustard yellow sweatshirt and black jeans. Heels? White converse.

She peered out at them through her black 'nerd' glasses, "I said settle down, didn't I?"

Her multiple earrings glimmered as she wrote on the white board behind her, Mrs Kim.

"Mrs?"A girl said aloud, then blushed and kept her head down,  Mrs Kim, however, smirked.

"Yes. I've been married to my wife for three years now? With two kids, if you must know."

The whole class stared at her, Moonbin and Minhyuk shared a smirk.

"A shut mouth catches no flies. Come on, get out your sketch books, we'll be doing some free sketching today, use your phones if you want to listen to music, earphones only."

The bumble of chatter rose again and Moonbin and Minhyuk sat beside each other.

Moonbin kept glancing at her, he felt as though he had seen her before and once class was over, he walked up to her.

Miss, are you Songha's wife?


i hope y'all had an amazing time 😫

2019 is pretty shit so far tbh ):

— apricotpjm 💞

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