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Be my boyfriend.

Dongmin's eyes widened, he let his jaw drop, shock erupted over his facial features.

"Y-your boyf-"

"Don't say anything, please."

Dongmin kept his mouth closed, staring in bewilderment at the younger, who had now gone red at the cheeks.

"Dongmin.. when I met you, my heart stopped, I was taken aback by your looks, then I got to know you, you were as beautiful inside as you were outside,"

Dongmin began tearing up, Moonbin smiled softly and wiped away the stray tears with the pad of his thumb, adoration filling his eyes.

"You were such a cute, smart and kind person and always up for anything, well except sushi I guess,"

Dongmin giggled and let Moonbin continue, watching him with intense eyes.

"Yesterday, while we were in the kitchen and you were eating the stupid chocolate, I decided I would make you my boyfriend, and I'm a very determined person,"

Moonbin stared at Dongmin, at every little detail in his face and smiled at him, then caressed his cheek softly.

"I feel like life is like a game of cards, before I met you, it felt like I had a bad hand, I was losing, but then, you came into my life and then the cards got dealed again, and now, I have a good hand."

Moonbin chuckled and felt Dongmin's small tears fall on to his black t-shirt, "Dongmin."


"Ring ding Dongmin."

Dongmin chuckled and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Trash Bin."

Moonbin faked a hurt expression and put his hand over his chest, Dongmin cupped Moonbin's hand with his, lacing their fingers.

"It would be an honor and a privilege to be your boyfriend, Lee Dongmin, will you make me the happiest person alive and make my dream come true?"

The older male sat in shock, before nodding slowly.

"Of course, I want to be your boyfriend, Moonbin."

Moonbin smiled extremely wide, it reached his ears and Moonbin thought it was the biggest smile he had smiled before.

His hand snaked around Dongmin's head and pushed them together.

They shared a long, soft and sweet kiss, expressing their utmost affection for each other.

Dongmin pulled apart and put their foreheads together.

"Moonbin, I love.. everything about you, your smile, your charisma, your confidence, you drew me in and I'm happy you did."

Moonbin smiled harder and kissed the older once more, short and sweet.


"Yes, baby?"

I've always loved you, ever since the day we shared the same air.

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