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Moonbin woke up early the next morning in Dongmin's embrace.

He sighed in content and snuggled his face further into his neck, then suddenly widened his eyes in horror.


He poked Dongmin's waist and the older groaned, "what?"

"We gotta go to school, get up, we could be late."

"Eat ass."

"I'll eat yours gladly."

Dongmin glared at the brunette before punching his chest and sitting up, ruffling his hair.

Moonbin laid his head on Dongmin's lap and stare up at him, smiling.

"I swear to god I'm going to summon satan on you."

Moonbin just made a kissy face at him and Dongmin sighed before kissing his lips quickly, "Come on, let's get up."

Moonbin sighed, "Fine.."

The two stood outside Moonbin's school, staring at the large gate.

"You think you'll be okay?"

Moonbin scoffed, taking Dongmin's hand in his, ignoring the stares he got, "Yeah, I've been doing this for years now."

Dongmin smiled, "Okay, well, I start in twenty minutes so I guess I have to go,"

Moonbin pouted and pressed a kiss to Dongmin's cheek, "Okay, bye baby.."

Dongmin smiled, "Bye.. good luck."

Moonbin smiled back at the ravenette, then let go of his hand and began walking inside, Dongmin stared at him as he left.

Dongmin walked the short distance to his school, staring at it in unknown fear, he didn't know anyone, he didn't know what kind of people were here.

How would he fit in?

He gulped and made his way inside, glancing around in awe at the large building, a tall, blue haired boy walked over, "Hi, you're Lee Dongmin, right?"

Dongmin saw his face on the piece of paper the boy was holding, and nodded uncertainly.

The blue haired male smiled, "Good. I'm Jeongyu, I've been assigned to help you get settled here and get your classes in order."

Dongmin nodded as Jeongyu lead him in the direction of a large auditorium, filled with freshman.

Dongmin looked around in amazement, staring at the different groups and types of people, yet was slightly panicked as his mind went, yet again, to the dreadful thought of not fitting in.

"Uh.. here's your class timetable and map, this is where I leave you, go join some groups, I recommend that one."

He pointed to a busy stall which were handing out sheets of paper to every second person, "That one?"

Dongmin turned back around but the elder was gone, the ravenette caught a glimpse of blue strands weaving through the crowd.

Dongmin walked over to the stall Jeongyu was talking about and peered over the sea of people, spotting two familiar heads.

"Myungjun?! Jinwoo?!"

The two looked up, shocked to hear a familiar voice amongst the strangers, "Dongmin!"

Dongmin pushed his way through the crowd and stared, agape at the two.

"You know their names?!"A girl asked, Dongmin nodded, turning to her, she widened her eyes, "Wow.. we only know them by 'MJ' and 'Jinjin'."

Dongmin snorted, glancing at the two, "That's only when they try to act cool."

The two shared a look of hurt and glared at the ravenette, who gathered the crowd's attention.

"Anywho, why didn't you tell me you went here? I mentioned this school, a lot over the summer."

Myungjun smiled sheepishly, "... Surprise!"

Dongmin stuck his tongue out at them, then glanced at their sheets, "Rap lessons? I didn't know you could rap, Jinwoo."

Myungjun crossed his arms, "And why did you just assume it was Jinwoo? What if it was me!?"

Dongmin shrugged, brushing the strands of hair from his eyes, "Because, you're the sub in your relationship, and anyway, Jinwoo seemed like the type."

Myungjun went bright red, Jinwoo raised his eyebrows in amusement, "Anyways, want to sign up?"

Dongmin pondered on the opportunity, "Hm.. I might.. fuck it. Okay, give me a sheet."




— apricotpjm

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