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Moonbin, are those hickeys?

Moonbin and Dongmin's eyes both widened profoundly, Moonbin coughed and quickly denied the question.

"No, oh my god, mom."

"I bet they are"Sua chuckled, taking a bite of steak, Moonbin glared at her.

"Moonbin pull down your sweater."

"Why?"Moonbin asked defensively, Dongmin rubbed Moonbin's hand with his thumb, trying to calm him down.

"Moonbin! You will do as I say, understood!?"

Moonbin gulped and reached his hand up to grab his collar, he shakily moved the collar down, revealing the hickeys.

Soojin and Hansung glared at him in disgust, Sua put a hand over her mouth to suppress her giggles.

"I-it's a rash.. I caught it in Sanha's apartment.."

"I don't believe you for a second"His father spat at him, Moonbin kept his head down.

"It is actually a r-rash.. I have it too.."Dongmin astonished himself for speaking up, Soojin's attention went to him, "Show me."

Dongmin unbuttoned his shirt at the top and showed the darkening spots to Moonbin's parents.

They furrowed their brows, "I see..."Hansung muttered, Dongmin raised his brows, he was surprised it worked.

"What? They're hickeys don't you see?!"Sua spluttered, confused, why did they believe them?

"And how would you know, Sua?"

Moonbin smirked at her, she had gone silent, her parents were curious also.

"How do you know that they're hickeys, Sua? Do you have something to tell us?"

She shook her head, "No mom.. "

"Ah, I see.."Her mother didn't sound convinced, her father had still been staring at Dongmin.

He kept his head down, then glanced up and met Moonbin's father's eyes, large and brown just like his sons.

His father looked away instantly, Dongmin chuckled, just like Binnie.

"Dongmin, are you studying anywhere? Or do you have a job?"

Dongmin looked at Soojin, "I'm attending a performing arts college not to far from Moonbin's school actually.. "

"Ah I see.. and you're majoring in?"


Soojin nodded, "You think you're good?"

Dongmin shrugged, "Yes and no. I don't think I'm bad but I do need to improve.. "

Hansung chuckled, "He's modest.."

Dongmin blushed, "Just being honest sir."

Moonbin smiled to himself, Dongmin was getting along with them, and he couldn't be happier.

"How old are you Dongmin?"

"I'm twenty.."

Sua raised her head at this, "Twenty? And you're dating my older brother?"

"Older?"Dongmin muttered, Sua nodded, "Yeah, I'm younger by a year but I'm working for Dad's company because Moonbin wouldn't."

Moonbin hung his head, Dongmin half smiled and held his hand under the table.

"Like I've said before, I don't want to work in an office.."

Hansung rolled his eyes, "Well, what would you prefer to do?"

Moonbin looked up at him, his expression almost pained, "I told you."

"I don't remember.."

Moonbin rolled his eyes and whispered quietly, "I want to be a dancer.."

Dongmin's eyes lit up, "A dancer? Really? Wow, that's amazing.."

Moonbin lifted his head up and smiled brightly, "You think so?"


Moonbin caressed Dongmin's hand and took the last bite of his food.

"I think we should get going.."

Sua perked up, "Oh really? Okay, bye bye!"

Moonbin rolled his eyes before glaring at his sister, Soojin nodded, "If you want to go, you can."

Moonbin stood up and Dongmin soon followed, he shook hands with both parents before being attacked by Sua in a large hug.

He smiled softly then waved at them shyly before walking out the door.

Moonbin sighed and slid his hand around Dongmin's waist, "That went so well.."

Dongmin chuckled, "Yes, it did. You're parents are nice, Bin."

Moonbin opened the car door and Dongmin climbed inside, not before getting a hard slap on his ass.

He glared playfully at Moonbin, who winked and got in the opposite.

"Hey Min?"

Dongmin glanced at the younger while he fiddled with the buttons of his shirt.


Let's go to the beach tomorrow.




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