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Okay enough. Did you guys have sex or not?

Dongmin's stomach lurched at Jinwoo's comment, his eyes widened profoundly, "Oh my God no!"

Jinwoo raised his eyebrows as to say 'oh sure'. Dongmin glared at the shorter male, "We didn't."

Moonbin kept his eyes to the ground, was that what would of happened if the boys didn't come back?

Would they be having it.. right now?

When Moonbin glanced up he saw a flustered and angry Dongmin leave the room, presumably to the kitchen.

Moonbin got up and followed him immediately, catching the older as he opened a jar of nutella.

The brunette saw the glinting steel in the older's closed fist, a spoon.

Moonbin's stomached sickened at the pure thought of what the older male was going to do.

Moonbin rolled his eyes and came behind the male, taking the spoon from his grasp.

Dongmin whined and turned around, in doing so Moonbin had space to move closer to the older's face.

"Don't. It will make you sick."

"Who cares?"

Moonbin rolled his eyes and pecked the older's forehead, "I care. I don't wanna have a sick boyf.... "

Moonbin glanced down at the ground, what were they?


He kept his eyes on the ground.


He wouldn't look in the older's eyes.


Moonbin's head shot up at the smirking older, "I knew that would make you look at me."

"Ha ha, you're so funny."

Dongmin giggled, the large jar of nutella still in his hand.

The older opened the jar and inhaled the sweet smell, Moonbin's stomach was queasy, he hated chocolate.

He swiped his finger across the top, collecting his desired amount.

Moonbin watched intently, wondering what the older was going to do.

Dongmin smirked at the older before licking the chocolate off his finger slowly, his eyes not leaving Moonbin's keen brown ones.

Moonbin gulped and Dongmin smirked, swirling the chocolate around his mouth and lips.

Moonbin licked his lips thickly, staring at the older's plump inviting lips.

He quickly pulled the older into a quick, passionate kiss and the older smiled in the kiss.

Moonbin then knew, he wanted this man to be his boyfriend.

Moonbin promised himself that he would make Dongmin his partner, he told himself that tomorrow he would take him on a date.

They would have the most amazing time, and then Moonbin would pop the question.

Moonbin pulled apart and Dongmin whined softly.

Moonbin smiled at the younger, animations of them living together, cuddling each other, being with it each other filled his head.

Moonbin's eyes clouded over with those thoughts, he wanted them to be reality, his reality, their reality.

He wanted it to be their perfect forever.

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