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Lee Dongmin and Moonbin Daily Log:

Dongmin and Moonbin have been friends, or even acquaintances for barely two weeks, it surprised me that they grew so close.

Well they did say they met before, but didn't they just bump into each other? Even the first night, Moonbin said they 'slept' together.

I'm very confused, even when I met the boys I didn't open up until maybe a month.

They were:
• hugging
• cuddling
• giggling to each other
• complimenting
• commenting, sexual ones
• blushing

Wouldn't that be things couples do? Not friends who have known each other for a week?

Were they that desperate to be loved? I knew Moonbin's parents and family, how strict they were to their kids and how they treated them.

Dongmin said his mother was nice, but her ex-husband, his father, wasn't very.. friendly..

They could have clicked? Y'know how some people instantly click and get on great?

Thing is, I have a crush on Moonbin, I like him a lot but I don't know how to tell him, I just hope he doesn't fall for Dongmin, I wouldn't be able to cope, oh my god.

I don't know, it's confusing. Anyways, I'm going to go, the pizzas almost here, bye.

Park Minhyuk.

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