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Dongmin kissed back impulsively, his hands coming up to rest on the younger, more domindant ones shoulders.

Moonbin caressed Dongmin's waist softly, groaning quietly while Dongmin's hands moved up to tug at his hair.

The brunette pulled away and the older whined, his hands frantically trying to bring Moonbin close once again.

"Tell me everything."

Dongmin nodded softly, avoiding eye contact with the younger, Moonbin smirked, pulling Dongmin's chin up to face him.

He left a small kiss on his lips then walked away just as the elevator doors opened, a younger mother and son stood at the opening.

Dongmin was red-faced and flustered, clothes slightly disheveled while Moonbin slightly smiled at the two strangers and left.

Dongmin bowed at the two and picked up the remaining bags and waddled out of the elevator shyly.

He looked at Moonbin who was being greeted by Sanha, who had finished his day out, or date as Moonbin called it, with Minhyuk.

"Minnie! You got food? Yay!"

Dongmin chuckled, Sanha was his younger by 3 years, and very child-like, a sweet little peach you could say, wholesome and pure.

They brought the bags inside, placing them on the table, ready to be sorted out.

The three boys spent 20 minutes putting away all the food and toiletries.

After the boys were finished, they all say in the sitting room, phones in hand doing random things.

"I'm gonna eat something, what do you want?"

Moonbin stood up, glancing at Dongmin, Sanha smiled.

"I'll have-"

"I was asking Dongmin."

"Ouch dumbass."

Dongmin blushed lightly and looked down, "Uh.. I'll have some... pizza? Sanha, sound good?"

Sanha glared at Moonbin, "Yes, pizza would be amazing right now."

Moonbin grumbled and walked out to the kitchen, Sanha hurried over to Dongmin's side, "What's the deal?"

"Huh?"Dongmin asked, confused.

"What's up with you and Moonbin? Are you dating?"

Dongmin blushed softly, "I don't know.. "

Sanha's eyebrows furrowed, "What? How can you not know?"

Dongmin shrugged, "I just don't know. Maybe just call us.. friends with benefits?"

Sanha scowled, "That's.. that's preposterous! Friends with benefits? That sounds disgusting!"

Dongmin glanced down at his shoes, "I really just.. don't know, Sanha."

Moonbin came back into the room, "Pizza's in the oven."

His eyes shifted from one male to the other, practically able to cut the awkwardness with a knife.

"What happened?"

"N-nothing Binnie.. sit down, let's watch a movie."

Moonbin walked over to the tense Dongmin and wrapped his arm around the older, who snuggled into him immediately, melting into his warm embrace.

He shifted, seating himself Moonbin's lap, lying his head back into the younger's neck.

He inhaled the brunette's rich, strong scent of cologne and Moonbin giggled, turning his head to look down at the older.

"Hey Moonbin?"



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