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It's been two weeks after Moonbin successfully gained the trust of Dongmin's mother and now all he had to do was pluck up the courage to ask Dongmin on a date.

The two had been more cuddly and kissing was more frequent, Moonbin couldn't understand why Dongmin didn't say anything about a relationship yet.


The aforementioned looked up from his phone, "What?"

"What are you doing?"

The younger male scooted closer to the older, who displayed his phone screen, "Instagram."

"Oh I don't have your insta, what is it?"

The brunette took out his phone and clicked the instagram icon.

"Oh, it's ring ding Dongmin."

Moonbin laughed and smiled, "Ring ding Dongmin, really?"

Dongmin pouted, "What did you expect? 'I am the god Lee Dongmin?'"

"Something like that, yeah."

Dongmin scoffed playfully and shoved Moonbin's arm, "Oh piss off."

"I wanna do something today.."

"We can go into the city. I have to get some groceries for Sanha and I anyway."

Moonbin agreed and nodded, "Okay.. I want Cheetos."

The two stood up and quickly put on some sneakers, and Dongmin grabbed his wallet and keys to the apartment.

The two walked down the busy and loud streets of Seoul to a small supermarket, nestling between a park and some houses.

"No. No. No. No. Moonbin we're not getting these!"

Dongmin frowned, shopping with Moonbin would sure be a disaster.

The younger giggled, throwing in a large bag of crisps into the trolley.

"I swear to god—"

"Oh shut up, Dongminnie! It's only some Lay's."

Dongmin grumbled, pushing the trolley down the bread and pastry aisle, grabbing two loaves of bread.

Moonbin came skipping around the corner, bumping into a group as he did.

"Ah watch it, will you?!"


Moonbin blushed, embarrassed, he slowly walked over to their cart, scaring Dongmin as he scanned the dates of some nutrition bars.

"Sanha doesn't like them."

"I know, dipshit, they're for me."

"Ouch! I'm hurt."

Dongmin rolled his eyes and smiled faintly, picking up the box of bars, Moonbin glanced at the trolley and widened his eyes in horror, "No!"

Dongmin flinched, "No what?!"

"Chocolate! Don't get that!"

"Why not?!"

An elderly couple glanced at them and tutted, Moonbin frowned, "I hate chocolate.."

"Moonbin did you honestly think I was buying it for you?"


"Oh my god I'm shopping with a loser."

Moonbin stuck his tongue out, "Leave me alone. Let's gooo."

Dongmin pushed the trolley down the aisle, Moonbin trailing behind, "Did Sanha want anything in particular?"

"Yeah, Minhyuk's di—"


sorry short chapter ehehehe I wonder who said Dongmin ;) ;)

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