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"There's only a week and a half of freedom left"A small blonde suddenly said in monotone, almost scaring his boyfriend half to death.

"Jinwoo! You scared me!"Myungjun cried out, the group chuckled at him, while he held his hand at his heart and panted.

They were all gathered in a small cafe not too far from Sanha and Dongmin's apartment.

It was cosy and warm and the atmosphere was laid-back, dim lights softened the colours of the chairs and walls which consisted of a variation of red, cream and brown tones.

It gave off a vague retro vibe and those sort of setting always appealed to the majority of their group, hence why they chose the building.

It's name was Sun and Moon and it's dishes varied from warm, flaky croissants and fluffy pancakes to smoked fish and caesar salads.

The building was fairly full and the chatter of others filled the air, along with the delicious scent of coffee and croissants, freshly baked.

The groups were seated in the corner on cushioned red leather booths, a dark wood table in the centre.

"Okay so, I've created a plan for the last week of summer.."Sanha began, the group quietened while eating their lunch.

"How about a camping trip? We can go into this camping site near the woods and go hiking an-"

"Sanha, darling, I'm sorry but I can assure you, I am not a hiking person"Moonbin interrupted with a sarcastic smirk.

One of his arms were wrapped firmly around Dongmin's waist while the other hung loosely on the back of the booth, just barely missing the dark strands of Minhyuk's hair.

"Ugh Bin, it will be fun!"

He shot Sanha a quick glare, "No."

The rest of the group muttered their opinions and most disagreed with Moonbin.

"It would be great fun, Bin"Myunjun glanced at him with curious tilt of his head.

"Myungjun! I don't like camping!" The brunette whined childishly.

Dongmin leaned his head into the crook of Moonbin's neck, "I think we should go."

Moonbin sat up with a jolt, "I suddenly want to go."

The boys chuckled to themselves as the waitress came back to collect their plates.

She flashed a flirtatious smile in Sanha's direction and slipped a strip of paper into his hand while he handed her the white ceramic plate.

The group eyed her while she walked away, then leaned closer to Sanha, trying to get a glimpse of the paper.

"Guess who got her number bitches,"

The group scoffed and sighed, "He's going to start gloating to a bunch of gays, damn"Jinwoo commented, rolling his eyes.

"Hey I'm not-"

"Shut up, Minhyuk, we all know you want some dick."

Minhyuk remained silent after that as the group became more interested in Sanha's love life.

"Sanha's getting some tiddies!"Moonbin yelled loudly, causing a lot of heads to turn in their direction, the older generation simply glared at him while the younger giggled then quickly shut up.

The waitress who had given him her number quickly rushed away behind the counter, a raging red blush on her face.

"So... is the camping a go ahead?"

Everyone eyed each other and nodded simultaneously, Sanha's smile grew.

"Great! Okay so let's meet at mine at ten am on Sunday?"

"I'm not waking up a-"

"Ten it is."

Jinwoo and Moonbin groaned loudly and Sanha smirked, "Why are you groaning, Moonbin? You'll be at the apartment with Dongmin anyway."

Moonbin blushed shyly and Dongmin giggled, leaning his head against Moonbin's shoulder.

Minhyuk eyed them jealously, a small pout formed on his lips as he looked away.

"I want to DIE!"Moonbin moaned once more while the rest of the boys packed everything into Myunjun's minivan.

"You can't die and leave me alone,"Dongmin pouted, poking Moonbin's shoulder as he made his way through with another tent.

"Oh shit yeah"Moonbin muttered, quickly following his boyfriend to the van.

"Okay there's three tents, okay? Myunjun and I, Binwoo are together I guess? And then, Sanha and Minhyuk"Jinwoo announced, Moonbin smiled and slipped his hand into Dongmin's.

They all climbed into the van after packing their things, Myunjun driving, Jinwoo in the passenger seat, Minhyuk and Sanha in the middle and Moonbin and Dongmin in the back.


okay so I hope you liked this????

also I might finish the book sOon?



I love you all 💞

- colourfulbwi

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