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no smut ;) but it's like the beginning??? ew it's just an intense make out session lol

"soft kitty.. warm kitty.."

"-little ball of fur.."

Dongmin smiled extremely wide, his eyes sparkled, "You know that song!!"

Moonbin beamed at the older, "Who doesn't?"

The two were sprawled on their- Dongmin's bed, Moonbin had his on Dongmin's stomach while Dongmin played with his hair.

"I just want to cuddle today."

Moonbin glanced up at the older, "Okay baby, we can do that."

Dongmin inhaled the deep scent of his pale green sweater, it reminded him of his mother, who he missed dearly.

Dongmin moved over to the younger's lap, straddling him.

The brunette's hand was rubbing soothing circles on Dongmin's waist while the ravenette had his arms wrapped around the younger's neck, his face buried deep in the crook.

They were silent, only their mixed soft breathes were heard, it was bliss for the two, it was all they wanted, each other's warm embrace.

Moonbin began to teasingly touch Dongmin's neck with his tongue, earning giggles from the older.

He made his way up towards his jaw, stopping just at the edge, he glanced at Dongmin, waiting for silent consent.

"K-keep going.."

Moonbin smirked and kissed Dongmin's jaw, abusing the same spot multiple times.

Dongmin let out a small squeak, his long fingers trailing down Moonbin's back.

Dongmin's mind was blank, he let the feeling of pure ecstasy take over him entirely, he hadn't felt this feeling before and he loved it.

Moonbin's cold hands found their way inside Dongmin's sweater, caressing the warm tender skin, his mouth working miracles on the older male's jaw and neck.

Dongmin let out a soft moan and blushed at the noise, it was weird hearing himself produce such a vulgar sound.

Moonbin chuckled and Dongmin shivered, Moonbin's hot breath hitting against his ear.

As the touching and kissing got more intense the boys' shirts had miraculously found themselves on the floor.

Moonbin pressed his determined and firm lips against Dongmin's who, even though the obviously shyer one of the two, kissed back twice as hard.

The kiss went sloppier and Moonbin's hands were stroking Dongmin's thighs softly, his hands meeting the line of his shorts.

Dongmin let out a long whine, his face contorted in bliss, his long fingers tangled in the younger male's brunette locks.

Dongmin moved his face back to Moonbin's neck, blowing on a certain spot.

Moonbin shivered and grunted, glancing at the ceiling with clouded eyes.

Dongmin kissed the area lightly, earning a growl from the younger, "Don't tease."

Dongmin giggled, kissing the spot harder, his tongue slipping out to glide across the bare flesh.

Moonbin groaned, rocking his hips slightly, Dongmin whined at the action, he himself soon doing the same.

A noise was heard just before Moonbin had the chance to put his hands in Dongmin's pants.

A noise. Noises, a series of words...

Boys! We're back!

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