Chapter 00

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"Jiminie... I love you." Taehyung said. Jimin stared at him observing his young looks.

"This is dream.... Wake up.." Jimin says as he covered his eyes from looking at Taehyung. Taehyung then removed Jimins hand and stared into his eyes.

"Wake up Jiminie." He says with a light smile. Jimin closed his eyes and is consumed by darkness before he saw a light.



Jimin shot up and looked to the side. There he saw his girlfriend. She was looking at him for a bit before getting up. Jimin sighed and got up as well.

"Was it that dream again." She says as she fixed a cup of coffee for herself. He then nodded and opened the fridge.

"Its been years since your High School days and you are still dreaming about some fag-- I mean old friend." She didnt make eye contact with him knowing he would probably shoot her a glare. And he did, she felt it.

"Yah! Taehyung is older than you too! Show some respect!" Jimin says as he slams the door to the fridge and went to the bathroom. Jimin even if he hadn't seen Taehyung in years after what he had done to him, is still protective over his former bestfriend. Jimin sighed as he looked in the mirror.


"Have you ever looked at your reflection and thought, if I broke the mirror would another world be on the other side." Taehyung says. Jimin was in a bad mood at the time. But hearing Taehyungs out of this world thoughts made him smile the brightest. Taehyung smiled with him and wrapped and arm around him.


Jimin put his hand on the mirror.

"If only there was.." Jimin says. He then washed up and went out getting changed for work. His girlfriend came in and wrapped her arms around him.

"What." He says. She sighed and just stood there as Jimin stopped.

"Im sorry.. I know how sensitive you are when it comes to Taehyung-ssi... But you haven't seen him in years, if you are worried about what you did to him making him do something bad I am sure he didnt.. He is probably happily with someone maybe even married." She says. Jimin thought of Taehyung with someone else at this point it was the most likely thing but he didnt want to think about it.

"Speaking of marriage..." She says. Jimin pulled her arms away and turned around towards her.

"What do you like about me?" He says. She then looked at him her eye accidently wondering to the ceiling. He then sighed and turned back around.

"The house, the money, the fancy things, having a CEO for a boyfriend.. It says it all when you look away. So dont talk about marriage." Jimin says. She then looked away with her arms over her chest. Jimin finished and then began to make his way out of the house.


"Jiminie.. I Love you." Taehyung says. Jimin stared at him. Taehyung gulped as Jimins reply took longer than expected.

"Uhm... Tae.. I ac--."

"No! Stop I dont want to hear it!" Taehyung yelled as he stood up. Jimin then covered his mouth and eyes going to his ears.

"Wake up.."



Taehyung popped up and stared straight ahead. He then rubbed his eyes and stood up stretching.

"Ive really got to stop looking back at that.." Taehyung says as he walked to the bathroom. His small quiet, lonely apartment was silent. Not even cars outside just the rustle of the trees.

"What a nice morning." He says as he got dressed and went downstairs to the other half which was a flower shop he had owned. He cleaned up and opened it. He set some flowers outside and watered them as he did every day.

"Hyung!" Taehyung looked up to see his bestfriend who happily got out of his small car and went over.

"Good morning Kookie." Taehyung says. Jungkook went over and smiled as he watched Taehyung.

"You came early. Is there a new girl at your office place." Taehyung says as he chuckled. Jungkook sheepishly smiled.

"Spill. Whats she like?" Taehyung says as he went inside to sit with Jungkook. Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smile with a small blush.

"Its actually not a... girl.." Jungkook says. Taehyung nodded not really caring, it was still someone.

"Well he.. Is the CEO. He doesn't seem like someone that would have a relationship with someone like me.." He says. Taehyung put his hand on Jungkooks.

"Yah, whoever it is. If they dont like you then there is something wrong with that person. So as long as you try you will succeed." Taehyung says. Jungkook smiled brightly and nodded. He then checked the time.

"Oh, I am going to be late." Jungkook says as he got up and went out. Taehyung waved as he watched Jungkook drive off.



Jimin walked to his office. When he opened the door he found flowers on his desk.

"They were delieved yesterday after you left." His assistant says. Jimin nodded as he showed a light smile. He then went over to them and picked them seeing a small note.

'You're working hard. Don't forget to eat and not to over work yourself '

-Your worker, Mr. Jeon

Jimin chuckled seeing Jungguk was the only one to ever send him things like this. He went over to his phone and dialed a number.

"Yes sir."

"Is Mr. Jeon in yet?"

"No, he isn't here yet."

"When he does send him up here please."

"Yes sir."

"Yah hyung stop being so formal."

"Pabo. We are at work, I have to."

"Fine, but anyways remember to tell him to come up." Jimin says before he hung up. He then sat down at his desk doing some work on the computer.


Thats all!!

Thanks for reading!!


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