Chapter 04

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~~Few Weeks After The First Day~~

"Jiminie!" Taehyung called out as he came up being Jimin. Jimin turned and smiled.

"So Hoseok hyung said he was going to throw a party for the freshman, are we going?" Taehyung says. Jimin thought about it and shrugged.

"Well, I don't know, I kinda got a job." Jimin says. Taehyung looked at him then thought for a bit.

"Then I'll help you!" Taehyung says. Jimin then sighed and scratched his head.

"Its babysitting, so I dont know." Jimin says. Taehyung smiled loving kids.

"How many?!?" He asks. Jimin jumped and chuckled as he walked into the classroom with Taehyung.

"Triplets, 2 middle schoolers, 2 elementary schoolers, and a preschooler. So 8 kids." Jimin says. Taehyung thought about and then nodded.

"I am fully committed to help my bestfriend." He says. Jimin looks at him and smiled with a small chuckle.

~The Day Of The Party~

"I brought a friend to help me." Jimin says to the couple which consist of a small male and a tall female. They glanced at Taehyung and the male smiled.

"Of course, an extra hand is always accepted, I will pay you the same hours as I pay Jimin." He says. Taehyung shok his head with a smile.

"I dont need money." He says. The man lookee at him and then his wife. She shrugged.

"Works for me." The man says as him and his wife waved as they left. Taehyung and Jimin went inside of the small house. When they did it was pure chaos.





"Hey guys!" Jimin yelled. The kids stopped almost killing each other. They all ran to Jimin. Taehyung jumped back and observed the kids all on Jimin.

"This is Taehyung my bestfriend. He is going to be here too." Jimin says. Taehyung waved and smiled. They looked at him and then back at Jimin complaining on why he didnt come sooner.

"Alright, you know the rules, no killing each other. Dont eat anything too sweet, when the babies are sleeping everyone is silent. No outside if there is a mess. And play nicely." Jimin says strictly. They nodded obediently.

"Now go!" They all went except for a girl. She smiled at Jimin happily.

"Oppa, can I use your phone." She says. He then looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Last time you posted a picture of me and said I was your boyfriend." He says. She then sheepishly smiled and shrugged.

"Ani, when are your parents gonna get you your own phone?" He says. She then shrugged looked around. Jimin them looked into her pocket. He pulled out her phone.

"See you just want my pictures." He says. She then shaked her head. Taehyung just watched feeling out of place already.

"I just wanted to pur my number in your phone." She says. He then sighed and put his number in her phone.

"I put mines in yours now go." He says. She then happily left. Taehyung saw that she was editing his name changing it to "boyfriend". Taehyung chuckled and looked at Jimin. Jimin then looked at Taehyung.

"Her middle school friends put my picture around their middle school asking people if they would believe I was her boyfriend. No one did but she is still trying to convince them." He says. Taehyungs eyes widened in surprise as he laughed. He then followed Jimin into a room. There was three baby beds. When Jimin looked inside he looked around scared.

"KIDS THE BABIES ARE GONE!" He yelled out. The kids then yelled out understood as they searched the whole house capturing each. They saluted to Jimin and then continued what they were doing as the babies were back in Jimins visual field. Taehyung just observed Jimin the whole time.

~~Time Skip~~

Jimin was laying on the floor with his back against the couch as he had two babys in his arms, and one between the legs of the preschooler who was in between his as the two middle schoolers laid on the couches. The two elementary schoolers were laying next to Jimin to the right. Taehyung sat to the left of Jimin happy that everyone had calmed down.

"Oppa, could you sing." The preschooler says as she looked up at Jimin. Jimin then smiled as he nodded. Jimin then began to sing and everyone slowly went to sleep. Taehyung himself fell asleep. When he finished Jimin closed his eyes and rested his head on Taehyungs shoulder going to sleep himself.


Taehyung woke up in a bed. He was confused. He looked next to him to see Jimin on his phome. He looked at Jimin.

"Morning, Uhm, I didnt know where you lived so I brought you to my house." He says. Taehyung nodded now understanding. He glanced around.

"Such a big room for a small person." Taehyung says. Jimin then kicked Taehyungs butt making him fall off the bed. Taehyung got up and rubbed his butt.

"Oops." Jimin says. Taehyung then stretched and went back onto the bed going to Jimin.

"What are you doing?" He says. Jimin looked at Jimin and sighed.

"The girl from yesterday, she got a recording of me singing, and posted it." He says. Taehyung then went up to hear it liking Jimins voice. Jimin played it and Taehyung closed his eyes as he listened.

"Its not that good.. I could do better.." Jimin says. Taehyung then patted his shoulder.

"I thought it was great." He says. Jimin then looked at Taehyung and smiled a bit. Taehyung smiled back.

~~Time Skip~~
--Lunar New Years--

"Jiminie, what are you doing for the Lunar New Years?" Taehyung said as him and Taehyung were walking through the park.

"Since my parents are busy, I am going to be home by myself." Jimin says. Taehyung looked at him with a small frown and then a thought came to mind.

"You can come over my house!" Taehyung says. Jimin looked at Taehyung and smiled as he nodded.

"That'd be nice." He says. Taehyung felt happy that he got Jimin to come over.

"We can leave tomorrow morning. Since its almost night time." Taehyung says. Jimin nodded. Taehyung suddenly realized how quiet Jimin was when his family was ever talked about.

'I guess its a bad idea to talk about his family..'

Taehyung says as he just observed Jimin. He stared at him for a while and didn't notice Jimin was looking at him.

"What is it?" Jimin says. Taehyung gulped and shook his head. Jimin then nodded and continued. Taehyung breathed out and lightly tapped his finger on where his heart is.

'Why are you so loud?'

He thought. He then looked at Jimin who was far ahead then caught up with him.

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