Chapter 05

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Jimin and Taehyung went on a train to Daegu as said.

"Yoongi Hyung is from Daegu too right. I wonder if we will run into him at some point." Taehyung says. Jimin then chuckled as he nudged Taehyung.

"Speak of the devil." Jimin says. Taehyung saw Yoongi make his way over to the two.

"Oh Hoseok hyung too." Taehyung says already hearing a laugh even before seeing Hoseok who came shortly after Yoongi.

"Oh, I didnt expect you two to be here... Well Yoongi Hyung, but not you Hobi Hyung." Jimin says. Yoongi then nodded a bit.

"Well! Since my parents are going on a trip together, that they planned without me in mind, I was going to be alone, but Hyung invited me over to his." Hoseok says as he rested his chin on Yoongis chin. Taehyung smiled and thought their closeness was cute.

"Jiminie said that his parents are--."

"Always busy, and he would be alone." Hoseok and Yoongi finish. Taehyung looked at them surprised then looked at Jimin who was looking down.

"It happens every year.." Hoseok says as he went over comforting Jimin. Yoongi sat next to Taehyung and slightly nudged his shoulder and went to his ear.

"Last time Jimins parents were with him during this time of year he was 5. So not even we were friends so he was alone during this time of year. Everytime we ask him he always says maybe this year will be different but its never is..." Yoongi says. Taehyung frowned feeling bad. Yoongi then smiled at Taehyung.

"Consider yourself special Jimin has never come out of his house this time of year." Yoongi says. Taehyung then looked at Jimin and smiled brightly then back at Yoongi as he nodded.

"Jiminie." Taehyung says. Jimin looked up at Taehyung and forced a smile. Taehyung hugged him tightly.

"This will be the best Lunar New Years you will ever experience!" Taehyung says. Jimin then stiffened a bit but then hugged back as he smiled softly.

"Thanks." Jimin says. Taehyung thought in these few seconds Jimin became more than just a bestfriend to him. Taehyung then let go and looked at Jimin like he did at the park.

'Hm... Is it unhealthy for you to be beating so fast..'

Taehyung thought as he looked away from Jimin was a small blush.


"See you around, have a happy holiday." Taehyung says. Jimin waved to them and then the two guys went to Taehyungs house as Taehyung showed Jimin around a bit. Thet stopped for ice cream on the way, and a gift Taehyung saw and thought that his mom would like. When they got there they knocked and waited.

"Oppa! What took you so lo--.." A girl younger than Taehyung says. She stared at Jimin who stood there looking at her.

"Sorry, I didnt mean to leave my Dongsaeng waiting, I was showing Jimin around and then we stopped to get a gift for mom.." He says. She just stared at Jimin and nodded. Jimin then jumped a bit.

"Oh right, Im Park Jimin, nice to meet you." He says as he smiled. She stared and then gave a weird smile.

"Nice to meet you too. Oppa you didnt tell me you were bringing a friend.. Does eomma know?" She says taking her attention off of Jimin. Taehyung nodded and then she stepped asaid letting the two in.

"Taehyung-ah!" A voice from the kitchen says. Taehyung smiled and went over and hugged his mom. Taehyung rested his chin om his moms shoulder.

"Eomma, Jiminie.. Has never been with his family on holidays ever since he was 5.. So could you help me make it feel like home for him." Taehyung says. His mom nodded and ruffled his hair.

"What a good friend you are. I am proud." She says. He then smiled brightly. When he pulled away she glanced at the livingroom seeing Jimin looking around.

"Jimin-ah!" She called out. He looked at her and then went over. He bowed his head and smiled a bit. She went over and grabbed both his hands.

"Welcome to our home, I hope you like it here. Please dont be too formal, a friend is family." She says with a bright smile. Jimin stared at her and then smiled as he nodded. She hugged him and gave him a pat on the back before letting go.

"Taehyung-ah, show him to your room. The extra comforters are in your closet. Make sure to clean your room its been messy since 1 year ago when you went to Seoul." She says. Taehyung smiled sheepishly as he lead Jimin to the room.

"This is my room, its been messy for a year but.. Nothings dirty, last time I checked I had washed all of my clothes I just threw the ones I didnt want to take on the floor." He say. Jimin nodded as he helped Taehyung pick up some clothes off the ground. He handed them to Taehyung who just threw them into a pile in the corner.

"Such a small room for a big person." Jimin says slightly mimicing what Taehyung said to him. Taehyung then kicked Jimins butt, it only pushed him a little though. Taehyung then went to the closet and pulled out a comforter laying next to his comforter.

"I am setting it up now so later we can just sleep." Taehyung says. Jimin then helped as he put his things down neatly. Jimin was very silent which kinda bother Taehyung.

"You okay?" He says. Jimin looked at him and then nodded with a smile.

"Since I haven't been with a family in a while.. I guess this seems new to me just a little." Jimin says as he sat down on the comforter. Taehyung then sat besides him and sighed.

"Don't worry, I can't guarantee you will fully be comfortable here but just think of everyone as family here." Taehyung says. Jimin then smiled and nodded. Then a call for them came from downstairs, they went down


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