Chapter 08

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~~3rd Year of High School~~

Taehyung decided to start taking the school bus instead of walk. One reason was that Jimin started taking the school bus since he got tired of having to be late a lot. As Taehyung boarded the bus he saw Jimin, his hair was now orange making him stand out. He began to walk to Jimin but was tripped.

"Oops." Someone says as he and his friends laughed. Jimin stood up and went over helping Taehyung up.

"Yah! Watch it!" Jimin says. The guy turned around and sighed.

"Listen here Jimin-ah, this is my bus. You cant tell me how to treat the people here." He says. Jimin let out a 'tch' and put a smirk on his face.

"Listen here, if its your bus why don't you take care of it. Why dont you drive the bus. Why dont you stop being a piece of trash because you are stinking up the bus." Jimin says. Everyone laughed and the guy tried making Jimin flinch failing and then sitting in embarrassment. Jimin went down and gave him a smile.

"Touch my bestfriend again.. And Ill make sure your up and out got it." He says before getting up and walking back to his seat. That guy was for sure embarrassed as everytime laughed a bit. Taehyung and Jimin sat together.

"You didn't have to do that.." Taehyung says. Jimin shakes his head as he smiled softly.

"You're my bestfriend, why would I let some low life bully you." Jimin says. Taehyung then looked down and did a small nod before he looked out the window silently. Jimin was socializing with some classmates thinking Taehyung was just tired.

~~1 Month Later~~

"Jimin, look!" Taehyung says as he was pulling Jimin behind the school. When he stopped Jimin observed the flowers.

"Woah, did you plant these??" He asked. Taehyung nodded and smiled happily.

"They're pretty." Jimin says playing with a petal of one if the flowers. Taehyung watched Jimin.

"Thank you..." He says bkushing a bit. Taehyung planted these the first year of Highschool in secret when he was alone. He planted them with the thought of Jimin in his head. He made them last for last year and finally decided to show Jimin this year.

"Jiminie.." Taehyung says. Jimin looked at him and hummed. Taehyung then blinked and realized he said Jimins name outloud. He sheepishly chuckled.

"Its nothing! I was thinking about something and your name kinda slipped out cause I was looking at you.. Wait... You know what nevermind!" Taehyung says as he turned away look at the flowers with a blush on his face. Jimin then laughed lightly and nudged him.

"Don't worry, you were caught off guard is what happen. You think something but then whatever you are looking at comes out. It happens to me one time." He says. Taehyung then nodded as he let Jimin trail off into talking about drifting off in thought or something.

~~4 Weeks Later~~

Taehyung was sitting down in front of the flowers reading a book. Jimin had a club thing so he Taehyung didnt want to take the bus alone, so he told his aunt(He lives with his aunt in Seoul) he was going to be late. He was so caught up in his book he didn't notice Jimin walk over. Jimin then wrapped his arms around Taehyungs head. Taehyung began to feel scared and confused as he was being dragged.

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