Chapter 32

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Jimin opened the third box it was a bunch of papers with music on it and notes.

"So.. Are these songs you wrote?" Taehyung says as he observed it. Jimin shook his head.

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok Hyung wrote most of them.. Maybe one or two were written by Jin Hyung and Me.." He says as he looked at them. Taehyung nodded and smiled as he read it all.

"Wow.. These are nice. With these you would think he was professional. Why did you guys stop writing?" Taehyung says. Jimin pointed at the top of the paper. Taehyung looked at where he was pointing it was the date. He was comfused until he realized that, the year and date was before Taehyung left.

"After you left, we kinda stopped things we wanted and liked and went to things that we were supposed to do in reality.." Jimin says as he held one of the songs. Taehyung sighed and then put the sheet he had back. Jimin then put the one he had back and closed the box. He then stared at the last box he seemed to not want to open it as he just stared and gulped. Taehyung grabbed and Jimin just let his eyes follow as he stayed quiet. Taehyung opened it. It was filled with letters. Dates starting from after highschool on Jimins birthday all the way up to a week ago.

"Who are all these from?" Taehyung says seeing a large amount from the same place.

"My mom.." Jimin says. Taehyung looks at him as Jimin looks down. It doesn't look like he opened them so Taehyung was confused.

"I cant.. Open them.. I am afraid of whats inside.." Jimin says. Taehyung hugged Jimin tightly. Jimin frowned as he felt bad.

"Lets open it together." He says. Jimin was unsure but nodded. Taehyung let go of Jimin and found the most recent one. Jimin watched as Taehyung opened it pulling out a letter and something else.

"Dear, Jimin. Seeing as you havent replied. You probably dont know how to write or just dont want. Its most likely the second one." Taehyung read as he felt Jimin come close to him and hold onto him.

"Since you most likely didnt see the others, I hughlt doubt you'll see this one. If you do see this one or any of them..." Taehyung stops as he read it to himself. Jimin was confused as he looked at Taehyung. Taehyung didnt want Jimin to read any of it.

"Yah, what is it?" Jimin says as he tried reaching but Taehyung stood up away from Jimin.

"Lets not read these.." Taehyung says. Jimin then felt a mix of a couple emotions hearing Taehyung say those words after he took all his courage to listen. Jimin stoos up.

"Taehyung. Give me the letter now." Jimin says sternly, he was mad now and Taehyung could see it. Taehyung looked down seeing he made Jimin mad, he was pretty mixed in his emotions as well. Jimin put his hand out for Taehyung to hand over the letter. Taehyung put it in Jimins hand and looked down. Jimin then continued.

"If you do see this one or any of them. I wanted you to come to America. Your father when I left said that he would give you to me when all business was done. I miss you so much, so I bought you a ticket to come earlier. If you came we could make up for lost time, if only he hadnt thrown me on that plane to America I would be there with you. So please come. But I understand if you dont. Love Mom." Jimin looked in the envelope to see a ticket. Jimin chuckled and Taehyung looked at him confused.

"This ticket has already passed." Jimin says as he laughed only to cry as soon as he started. Taehyung went over and hugged Jimin.

"Are you going to go.." Taehyung says. Jimin shrugged a bit as he buried his head in Taehyungs shoulder.

"Whats the date on the letter again.." Jimin says. Taehyung went to the envelope in which the letter was in.

"It was a week ago on Wednesday." He says. Jimin then thought for a bit.

"Today is Wednesday. I need to go somewhere." Jimin says as he let go of Taehyung and went to the door.

"I'm coming too." Taehyung says. Jimin then looked at him and then turned and continued. Taehyung then rushed to follow Jimin.


Taehyung stared as Jimin just walked up to his old big house. The doors immediately opened when Jimin looked into a camera, Taehyung quickly followed him inside of the gates. Jimin walked up the staird with Taehyung followed. The doors to the house opened. Jimin shook his head.

"Im not going in. I am just here for my mail." Jimin says as he went to the side. When he did there was nothing in there. He sighed.

"What are you looking for?" Jimin heard and looked at the door. His eyes widened as he stared. Taehyung went over to Jimin.

"Who is this?" He says. Jimin was silent for a while until who was there opened their arms.

"Eomma..." Jimin says as he went over. She smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"My boy.. My have you grown.." She says. Taehyung watched as the two hugged each other.

"You gave me.. And expired ticket.." Jimin says. She then chuckled and rubbed his back.

"Well, maik takes a while to get here from America. The next one was going to say how I decided to come to Korea.. To take you with me." She says. Taehyungs eyes widened not wanting him to go. Jimins mom then realized Taehyung was staring.

"Whos this?" She says. Taehyung jumped and them bowed a bit.

"I'm Kim Taehyung... A friend of Jimins." Taehyung says. Jimin kinda let go of his mom and looked over to Taehyung.

"I see." She says as she smiles. Jimin let go and went over to Taehyung grabbed his hand.

"He isnt just a friend. We are together." Jimin says. Taehyung blushed a bit and looked at Jimins mom who only smiled even more.

"Cute!" She says as she went over and hugged the both of them. Taehyung was surprised.

"But Jimin, you shouldn't have someone who is scared of this relationship." She says as she laughed. Taehyung blushed out if embarrassment as Jimin seemed kind of upset Taehyung was lying to his mom.

"Im sorry.. I just.. You're his mom and I dont know you but Jiminies appa sounds scary so I kinda.. Imagined you that way too.." Taehyung says. Jimins mom then nodded and looked at Jimin.

"Well, it isnt something to be upset about right." She whispers as she went to Jimins ear. Taehyung looked at Jimin and sighed as he gripped his hand tightly.

"Im sorry..." Taehyung says. Jimin looked at his mom and then Taehyung. Jimin gripped Taehyungs hand back and nodded.

"Its fine." Jimin says. Taehyung then smiled a bit.

"Well come on, we might want to do something here while your father isn't here. I dont want to see him as much as you do." She says as she made them go inside with her.


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