Chapter 21

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Jimin and Jungkook got to Jimins apartment after they had stopped to pick up some food.

"Geez, where did you go?!" Yoongi says. Jimin smiled and then went over as he sat next to Yoongi.

"I am going on a trip, to Daegu tomorrow with Taehyungie." Jimin says happily. Yoongi stared at him.

"Wow.. That was fast, don't get too wild.." Yoongi says. Jimin blushed and shook his head.

"Its not like that!" Jimin and Jungkook said at the same time. Jimin and Yoongi looked at Jungkook. Jungkook then blushed.

"Exactly. I am just going to see his family. He says they missed me." Jimin says with a soft smile on his face. Yoongi nodded and smiled.

"Well, thats nice. So do you think he still hates you?" Yoongi says. Jimin smiled brightly and then shook his head.

"We talked for a while and he said he didnt hate me." Jimin says. Yoongi then smiled and nodded.

"Well tell him I said Hi next time you see him." Yoongi says. Jimin nodded and then he felt Jungkook sit as he scooted to make room for him only to have Jungkook very close.

"Yah, you have so much space." Yoongi says. Jimin then hugged Jungkook and getting defensive.

"Leave Kookie alone hyung, he is a good child, dont be so mean." Jimin says. Jungkook blushed and smiled a bit as he hugged Jimin back. Yoongi looked at Jungkook and sighed, and then looked at Jimin.

"Your eyes can never open can they." Yoongi says as he got up going to the kitchen.

~~The Next Day~~

Jimin was going down the stairs to get in the taxi. Jungkook grabbed Jimins bag.

"You dont have to, I can take it." Jimin says as he gave a soft smile. Jungkook shook his head and continued carrying it.

"Its fine, I like doing things for Hyung." Jungkook says. Jimin then reached up ruffling his hair as he chuckled.

"Whatever." Jimin says. They then got to the taxi and Jungkook put Jimins bag in the back as Jimin went in.

"See you hyung." Jungkook says. Jimin waved as the car drove off. Jungkook sighed and worried a bit.


Jimin and Taehyung were walking to the train station. It was silent as they walked, the wind blew the trees here and there but nothing much, other than the sound if people talking on the phone or having conversations together everything was calm. Jimin and Taehyung sat down on a bench together, there was a lot of space in between them as they sat in silence. Jimin had his headsets in since he didnt know how to talk to Taehyung as much as he used to.

"Oh.. Yoongi Hyung said to tell you Hi next time I saw you.." Jimin says as he took out one of his earphones. Taehyung nodded and smiled a bit. Jimin then looked at his earbud and then held it over to Taehyung.

"Want to listen while we wait.." Jimin says. Taehyung looked at Jimin and then smiled as he nodded and took the earbud putting it in his ear. The two listened to music in silence before the train came.


Taehyung and Jimin just got off the train after a long ride. Last time he was in Daegu was for meeting, and he didn't get to see everything, but he still remembered when he first came with Taehyung. Jimin pulled Taehyung to get ice cream like when they first went there, he also bought Taehyungs mum, and sister gifts. When they got there Taehyung knocked and the door opened revealing his mum, sister, and dad.

"Taehyu--.." They all stopped and stared at Jimin. Jimin looked away as he gulped at the sudden attention.

"Jimin Oppa.." His sister says as she went over. Jimin looked at her and gave a smile.

"Oh geez, you've grown so much!" Jimin says. She then hugged him.

"You never came back to help with school.." She says. He then slowly hugged back and and pat her head.

"Sorry." He says. Taehyungs mum then went over and had a light smile. Taehyungs sister let go and went beside Taehyung watching.

"Wow, you've grown just a bit." She says. Taehyungs dad went over as well and nodded with a smile.

"Welcome back." She says as she hugged him. Jimin then smiled and hugged back. Taehyungs dad just ruffled Jimins hair with a smile.

"Its cold. Lets go inside." Taehyung says. His mum then gave him a light slap on the shoulder.

"What did I do??" He says. Jimin chuckled lightly and then let go of Taehyungs mum.

"Taehyung is right, wouldn't want you guys getting sick." Jimin says. They all then went inside and Taehyungs stared bluntly.

"Yes, listen to your long lost "son" rather than your real one.." He says. Jimin wrapped his arm around Taehyung and went inside with him as he lightly laughed.


The family had gotten to know more about Jimin. What he was doing, if he was with anyone, did he have a job and such. Jimin answered each and every one of them if he was comfortable with it. When he got tired of answering he would ask them or help Taehyungs mum with dinner since he learned to make things other than ramen over the years.

"And here you go!" Jimin says as he set plates out for everyone. He sat down with nothing in front of him.

"Where is your food?" Taehyung says. Jimin then smiled lightly as all eyes were on him.

"Im on a diet." Jimin says. Taehyung observed Jimins body, he was already skinny.

"Yah, you better eat." Taehyung says as he pushed his plate over to Jimin. Jimin shook his head and pushed it back. Taehyung then picked up some food and held it to Jimin.

"I will force it down if I have to." Taehyung says. Jimin then sighed and gave in as he let Taehyung feed him. Taehyung didnt stop even if Jimin was full. The family just watched, the two boys forgot about them. When 1 and a half plates of food was forced into Jimin, Taehyung then ate the rest of that plate and he ate another so they were even.

"You two are still kids." His mum says as she smiled. Jimin blushed a bit realizing they watched Taehyung feed him. Taehyung didnt seem to care as he ate.


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