Chapter 27

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Jimin went outside and looked around for Jungkook. He then smiled spotting him sitting alone as he looked up. Jimin went over and then ruffled Jungkooks hair before he sat next to him.

"Ya-- Oh Jiminie Hyung.." Jungkook says a bit surprised. Jimin smiled and sighed as he observed Jungkook.

"Whats on your mind? You can talk to me." Jimin says. Jungkook gulped and shook his head. Jimin sighed again and laid his head on Jungkooks shoulder.

"Yah, when you walk out looking sad, I come out here see you sitting alone and your eyes shining, I cant help but worry so much about you.. Tell me whats wrong." Jimin says. Jungkook looked at Jimin and sniffed before he hugged him. Jimin hugged back as Jungkook lightly cried into Jimins shoulder.

"Hyung..." Jungkook says lightly as he pulled away and wiped his face. Jimin rubbed Jungkooks back even if they were hugging as he hummed in response to Jungkook. Jungkook then went in and kissed Jimin. Jimins eyes widened before he could do anything Jungkook pulled away quickly.

"I know.. Taehyung Hyung, is the one you love.. And he loves you too.. But I also love you, and before I decided not to ruin anything with you and Taehyung.. But you started looking sad, and he was so cold to you before so I didn't want you to go through that.. But you did and now you are happy.. and its definitely Taehyung Hyung who is going to win you over.. But I just wanted to make sure you knew, that even if you cant love me how you love Hyung.. I am always here and I dont want our friendship to be teared apart." Jungkook says as he looks away. Jimin blushed a bit and picked up Jungkooks head and smiled at him a bit.

"You shouldn't be upset, love is love.. I wont reject yours.. But I cant accept it either. Sometimes you have to wait a bit. I may not be at the end of your road but I will help you get to that end. Our friendship is never going to change so dont worry about, I am always here for you too." Jimin says. Jungkook then sniffed again and hugged Jimin. Jimin rubned his back and hugged him. It toom a while for Jungkook to calm down, when he did it was very dark outside.

"Lets go inside now." Jimin says lightly. Jungkook nodded and stood up with Jimin. Jungkook looked at Jimins hand and grabbed it. Jimin looked at Jungkook.

"Just this time.." Jungkook says not wanting to let go. Jimin then gave him a soft smile and nodded as he held Jungkooks hand all the way to the door of his apartment. Jimin let go when he opened the door.

"It took you long enough." Jimin jumped when Seokjin was in front of him.

"Were we out there for that long?!" Jimin says checking the time. Seokjin then nodded and smiled. Jimin sighed and shrugged he then went to the couch to find Taehyung sleeping. Jimin smiled and then was grabbed by the arm and pulled into his room. Hoseok set him straight and looked at him.

"So whos it gonna be?" Hoseok says. Jimin was confused by his words as he stared at him.

"Poor Jimin, stuck in the middle. He has a choice of: A nice young man who has a lot in common with Jimin, and has feelings for Jimin. Or your highschool lover in which you have just been reunited with. Who will it be one will live and love, as the other heartbro--."

"Yah! Hoseok! Stop it!" Yoongi yelled throwing a slipper at Hoseok. Hoseok laughed and smiled. He then looked at Jimin and didnt realize the younger had a scared expression.

"Oh, Jiminie, I was just joking!" Hoseok says. Jimin looked down and sighed.

"I-Its fine.. Why did you need to say all that though?" Jimin says. Hoseok then points to the window. Jimin went over and looked out seeing thats where him and Jimin were.

"Oh.. OH! You saw.. The kiss didn't you.." Jimin says a bit quietly. Yoongi nodded as did Hoseok.

"It was his way of saying he wouldn't ruin mine and Taehyungs relationship even if he loves me and that he would always be here for me.." Jimin says. Hoseok was unsure as was Yoongi. Jimin nervously fiddled with his hand.

"Well, you see when someone says that, they will eventually leave because.. Say.. You know Namjoon was jealous seeing Seokjin Hyung with someone else, and he ended up leaving because of that jealous of someone he loved with someone else." Yoongi says. Hoseok blinks and looked at Yoongi and gasp.

"Eomma and Appa are divorced??" He says. Yoongi threw the other slipper at him. Hoseok laughed a bit and then put his focus back to Jimin.

"But yeah, that's exactly what is happening.. Jungkookie will leave at some point... Because holding it inside hurts.. A lot." Yoongi says. His expression seemed to change as if he was starting to feel uncomfotable with this topic. Hoseok went over to Yoongi and sat on the bed behind Yoongi and hugged him with his arms and legs.

"Im sorry.. I am going to stop. And we can be home together.." He says softly. Jimin then was concerned as he observed the two. Yoongi looked at Hoseok.

"You promise.." Yoongi says. Hoseok nodded and then gave Yoongi a light kiss. Jimin jokingly put his hands over his eyes.

"Ew~!" He says like a little kid. Yoongi threw a pillow and Jimin as he blushed a bit and Hoseok laughed.

"You were kissing Jungkook!" He yelled a bit to loudly. The whole place went silent. There was a knock at the door. Jimin gulped and reached over he then opened the door and stared.


I love cliffhangers :)

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