Chapter 15

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Jimin woke up early as usual. Since the storm damaged a couple places work was cancelled for everyone in the city to fix some damages. Jimin smelled something good.

"Jimin-ah! Wake up!" Seokjin called out. Jimin got up and made his way to the kitchen.

"Hyung.. I thought you'd never comeback." Jimin says. Seokjin smiled a bit looking down at the food obviously hiding something.

"Hyung, you okay?" Jimin says. Seokjin nodded and put the food on the plate. Seokjin then went over to Jimin pushed him over to the living.

"Hurry~ Go sit your food is going to get cold." Seokjin says. Jimin just let himself get pushed and sat on the couch. Seokjin went back to the kitchen and then a small yell came from the kitchen minutes after. Jimin got up and went over to the kitchen to find Seokjin on the ground.

"Whats wrong?!" Jimin says. Seokjin hels his hand as he has tears running down his face.

"I burned myself... It hurts.. Badly.." Seokjin says. Jimin observed Seokjin quiclly figuring out that it wasnt the burn that hurt as Seokjin squeezed the clothes where his heart was.

"Come on.." Jimin says as he went over to Seokjin and helped him up.

"Go wash up and then, we can talk." Jimin says. Seokjin nodded and then went to the bathroom.


"What?! Seriously?!" Jimin says. Seokjin nodded as he sniffed.

"Okay so.. Because a newbie worker came over and asked for you he got mad and wanted a break.. And now he is with someone else?" Jimin says. Seokjin nodded as looked down. Jimin then hugged Seokjin amd comforted him.

"But aren't you the CEO of another company?" Jimin says. Seokjin nodded and sighed as he just hugged Jimin sadly. Jimin pulled away as he picked up his phone.

"I'll be back." Jimin says. Seokjin knew what he was doing amd just nodded yet again letting Jimin leave. Jimin went to his room and called Namjoon.

"Hello?" Jimin says.

"Hey, whats up?" Namjoon said on the other side. Jimin went silent hearing his voice there was something wrong.

"I have good news! Can we meet somewhere??" Jimin says sounding happy and very unknown to the situation trying to convince Namjoon he wasn't going to talk about Seokjin.

"Uh, yeah, sure. There is a new coffee shop thats out. We could go there."

"Alright! Ill see you in a couple minutes!" He says nefore he hung up. He then got ready to go.

"Ill be back." Jimin says with a light smile as he hugged Seokjin. Seokjin nodded and watched as Jimin left.


Jimin sat at in the mew cafe waiting for Namjoon. He had bought 3 drink. When he saw Namjoon his acting mode activated.

"Namjoon hyung!" Jimin called out with a smile. Namjoon waved and went over. When he was there Jimin put a small frown on his face and looked around.

"Where is Seokjin hyung.." Jimin says. Namjoon stared at Jimin and then looked down as he sat.

"I bought 3 cups.." Jimin says as he secretly studied Namjoons expression playing with the 3rd cup.

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