Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Alicia's POV

I swung my bag over my shoulder, and made my way down the crowded hallways of Willow Gable High. It was my typical daily challenge: getting through the beehive I called my school when the end of the day arrived.

"Alicia! Hold up girl!"came a desperate shout from behind me.

I turned to see my best friend, Kami, pushing through the swarms towards me. My name is Alicia Carter, your average seventeen-year-old American. I have red hair, that likes to constantly annoy me with curl, and the brightest ice-green eyes you've ever seen. I hate them. I am an only child, my mother being a doctor and my father a lawyer. That's right, never a shortage of money but always a shortage of company. My parents are very rarely home with me. We live in Portland, Maine.

"Alicia," Kami gasped, holding her throat, "How could you just desert me like that in this horrendous crowd of snatching maniacs?"

Her sarcasm and dramatics always broke me into laughter. I giggled, but rolled my eyes.

"Well, seeing as you've caught up to me now, let's be on our way."

"Right!"she exclaimed, jutting her index finger in the air and pulling me along outside into the air.

We walked down the flights of stairs leading down to the highschool's campus. Kami was chattering endlessly about all her classes, the goody-goody girls she couldn't stand in some of her periods, and her crush, Jared. I end up tuning her out most of the time because it's not like she ever expects answers. I unlocked my bright green Mini Cooper that was across the parking lot. My parents had bought it as soon as I had gotten my license.

"Do you want a ride home?" I cut in. It was the only way I would've been able to ask. Kami stopped long enough to process.

"Oh, uh, no. Haven't you been listening? Jared asked me out today! So he's going to give me a ride."

I frowned. "Oh okay, so I guess I'll be seeing you around tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, guess so," she said, flying past me with a wave as she jogged over to Jared's waiting car. I watched the two of them hug, before they got in the car, speeding out of the parking lot. I sighed, wondering why I couldn't have that; why I couldn't be like Kami. My mind flew to the one and only guy I had ever been involved with before we had moved here, to Portland. The truth was, I had been trying to push him from my mind for so long, hoping I would get over him, but knowing full well I couldn't. And being that the other guys didn't bother with me, that didn't help too much. I drove home, barely realizing I was doing it, passing all the familiar places and busy people that I didn't even notice. When I pulled up at our big, cream-coloured house, it didn't surprise me that the doors were locked and all the lights off. I slipped inside, easing my bag onto the floor and headed into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of iced tea. On my way up the stairs with it, I could see my cat, Tucker, peeking through the banister at me, his big ocean eyes blinking. I smiled, running my fingers along the length of his back as I passed. I plopped down on my bed and stared around the room I had come to spend too much time in. My walls were a pretty, soft blue, with accent wall of polka dots, the curtains and lining in my window seat matching. The dark wood contrasted nicely, and the white, fluffy mat on the floor cozied things up. On my walls and shelf sat various photographs of old friends and our family when I was younger. I stopped at the one, fingering the frame in thought, and wishing everything could go back to what it used to be. But it never would. After awhile, I glanced up at my clock that read 6:00. I had been so consumed in my homework that I didn't realize the time had slipped by so quickly. My growling stomach reminded me I had other things to attend to. I made myself a sub, and though Mom always made sure the cupboards were richly stocked, I had no appetite for complicated food. I munched in silence, not even bothering to flick on the TV. It was just one of those days. The night slowly creeped by, as I sat in the living room, curled up on the leather sofa, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. Tucker was fast asleep in my lap, occasionally letting a little moan escape. The fireplace was on, and though I tried to concentrate on reading, my mind kept wondering as I stared into the restless flames that flicked up and down. I soon grew sleepy, and too lazy to move myself to my bed, I slunk farther into the couch. As the house got darker and darker, I knew I'd be spending another night alone, just like I so often did.

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