Chapter 22

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Just a quick note: I'll be on vacation for the next 2 weeks so there'll be no updates. To make up, there will be a double update today. :) See ya guys! 

Alicia's POV

December 25, Christmas Day. 3 months since my parents death. The first Christmas I was to spend without them. The red letters of the clock illuminated the room in the early, grey dawn, 4:30. Something had woken me up and due to the dread of going through this day “alone,” sleep had been chased away. I slipped from beneath the covers and tied my thin robe around my body, in attempt to block out the stale cold in the home. As I tiptoed down the stairs, I realized just how massive this place was that kept me caged up in London. I stepped into the living room, a slight blaze of warmth reaching me from the fireplace. I sat down on the floor, allowing the fuzzy threads of the throw rug to tickle my bare legs. Absently, I stared up at the tall silhouette of the Christmas tree, it's coloured lights dazzled in the dark room. Their light cast a small glow around the room, creating an aurora on the walls. The soft glitter of the bulbs sparkled, and every now and then, they'd spin slowly, as if they were yo-yos being painfully released. How was I going to get through today with a smile on my face? Though I had managed to hardly ever break my facade, a day like today was wrapped up in too many close ties to my heart.


“Daddy! Where's Mommy?” The small girl, clapped her hands and bounded into the room.

The tired man brushed his dark hair back and straightened his tie in the hall mirror.

“Mommy had to go into work today, sweet pea,”he replied. “And Daddy has a big meeting this morning too. I will have to go soon.”

The girl's green eyes dulled some but remained big as she stared up at her father.

“Isn't it Christmas?” Her voice squeaked at the end of the question.

The man sighed and turned towards his daughter.

“Families stay at home on Christmas. That's when they open gifts and have lots of food.”

The man's mouth tugged into a weak smile as he crouched to meet his daughter's level. Her red hair was dishevelled from just climbing out of bed.

“You're too smart for a 9 year old.” He kissed her forehead just as the doorbell echoed through the still house. “That's your babysitter, Ali. She's taking you over to her place today since it's Christmas. Be good please. I wouldn't want you making a scene for her today.”

He pulled his thick coat on before he reached for the doorknob. The door swung open and he greeted the small lady on the outside. He turned to the quiet girl once again, and just before he stepped out into the cold, his eyes seemed to hold a trace of regret.

“Merry Christmas, Sweet Pea.”

~End of Flashback~

I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder gently that stirred me from my memory. And although I wanted to turn all my attention to the presence behind me, those three words kept repeating themselves in my mind painfully. Merry Christmas, Sweet Pea. The body behind me seemed to understand the thickness of the moment, for soon I felt two legs slip on either side of me and arms holding me tight.

“It's 5 o'clock,” came his soft whisper. “Isn't it a little early for Christmas to start?”

I shivered in his arms, trying to drown out the pain that engulfed me at his words.

“For 8 years it never started.”

My voice surprised me. It sounded unearthly, somewhat haunted. Like the eerie and empty sound of a door swinging in an abandoned place. Landon brushed my hair aside and nestled his chin on my shoulder. I could feel his hot breath and yet he said nothing, as if almost silently beckoning me to continue my meaningless words.

“For 8 years they always worked on the 25th,” I droned in a monotone, lost. “I was all alone.”

I sounded like a little child again, like that 9-year old had somehow returned and slipped under my skin, and that was who Landon was holding.

“Today is no different, except I hold no knowledge of them being at work. This time, they aren't here at all.”

No tears were coming. I felt like I had a dam inside of me but try as I might, it wouldn't break. It would take some other disaster to send the last blow and send me spiralling in its drain.

“Today is different,” I suddenly heard his voice filled with determination. “You're not alone. You have us, you have me. And I'm not letting go. Whatever pain you go through today, I go through too.”

My heart swelled a little, unsure of this boy behind me. I had always been so startled at his quick changes, extenuated in his eyes, but now I was even more aghast at the change as a whole. And at the same time, as I clung to this source of comfort and warmth, I couldn't help but fear it wouldn't last. He picked me up in his arms and ascended the stairs, down the hall, to my bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed, tossing my robe to the side and tucking me in.

“But for now, put everything at ease and rest some more.”

His long fingers ran through my hair in a relaxing manner. For the first time, I allowed myself to stare into his blue orbs and I realized just how lost I could get in them. At the moment, they were filled with concern and sympathy, but there was something else. Pain? Yes, they were mirroring my pain, but why?

“Are my eyes that intriguing?”he smiled, sending my stomach in catapults.

“They tell me things,” I whispered, as that seemed to be all my voice could handle right now.

He settled down on his side, still playing with my hair. If he wasn't careful, I might soon fall asleep.

“They tell me what you're feeling at any given moment. They also paint nearly an exact picture of what you are thinking.”

He smiled, but it was a sad smile and for a brief minute, the ice I hadn't seen in so long slipped back into his eyes.

“What do you see right now?”

His voice was shaky, as if each and every breath was arduous. I allowed my finger to softly trace along his face as I was deep in thought.

“There's sympathy and concern,” I stated the obvious, “but there's pain.”

I felt his features change, as if what was once loose, reflective water had turned to hard stone.

But I kept speaking, “I can't tell where the pain comes from. Is it a mirror wave based on my own emotions? Or is it your own?”

His eyes flashed a malicious blue and for a minute, he snatched his hand away from me. I waited, holding my breath, sure as hell that any minute, I'd feel his burning touch, but there was nothing. I fiddled with the edge of the sheets and finally managed to build up the courage to look at him. His eyes were calm and he seemed to be studying me with interest, as if confused at my sudden distrust.

“No use burdening you anymore,” he whispered and brushed through my hair one last time.

He stood from the bed.

“I'll see you in a couple hours. Sleep.”

His command was serious, yet playful, and he turned to catch my gaze as he exited the crack in my door. I stared after the place where his form had been only moments before, trying to understand him, his emotions and reactions. I was beginning to see that there was more to Landon than I had first thought. Now I was more than curious to unearth his deepest secrets.

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