Chapter 38

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Alicia's POV

Yelling was coming from behind the closed door to the hotel room I was now standing in front of. It took me a few minutes to determine if it was some random outburst or it was indeed Landon and Mr. Lewis creating the commotion from within. I cringed as I heard the insults being thrown out and knew immediately this was a situation I'd have to step into...that is, if I could do anything at all.

I swung the door open and the sight that met my eyes was a grave one. Standing, somewhat pinned to the wall, was my boyfriend, the malicious figure of Mr. Lewis towering over him.

“You good-for-nothing piece of dirt!” The veins in Mr. Lewis's neck and forehead were bulging nearly to the point of bursting. “How many times do I have to say it? Why can't you get this through your empty head?!”

The yelling was giving me a headache as I stared on, speechless.

“You can't call me all these things!” Landon shouted back. “You've been going at me now for 10 minutes! How much more can possibly come out of that lying mouth of yours?”

Mr. Lewis's face seemed to contort with even more anger as he administered a strong slap across the side of Landon's head. “How dare you speak to me that way! I don't care how old you are, I'll always be your step-father! Show some respect, boy!”

“Respect?” Landon snorted. “Respect for what? For this pathetic excuse of a father-figure in front of me, who fancies himself a man, but really sits way lower than myself? I am more of a man than you!”

I didn't think it possible for any more rage to fill a person's features, but I guess I was wrong. Mr. Lewis's face was red, his eyes flashed with uncontrollable madness, his fists, that were clenched at his sides, seemed to be shaking by some unknown force. I couldn't believe this demon that stood in front of me.

With a forceful shove, he had Landon laying awkwardly on the floor, holding his wrist that he had fallen on a little too roughly.

“I won't tolerate such talk! Don't give yourself credit for something you are far from being.” He seemed to have lowered his voice, but that didn't matter. The horrible, insulting and mocking tones that now filled the room were just as bad.

A stream of profanities flowed from Mr. Lewis's mouth, descriptive words, as he kicked Landon soundly in various places. The colourfulness of his language made me want to cover my ears in horror. At one point, he cried out from a kick that came a little too hard, but without a care, Mr. Lewis kept at his assault.

“No one will know about this, you hear? And let me tell you something, you worthless fool...that little angel you call your girlfriend, she'll leave you in an instant. And you know why? Cause I'm going to tell her things that would make your blood boil. By the time I'm finished, she won't even be able to stand the sight of you! It's not like it's much different now...”

“Stop, please stop,” Landon begged. I was surprised he had not broken yet. “Don't speak about her this way. She loves me.”

“Ha! You really think she does? You're an even bigger fool than I thought! She doesn't give two dimes about you. She's here cause she had no choice, and as soon as she graduates, she'll be off at the snap of your fingers to God knows where!”

His voice had risen considerably as he kicked Landon into the corner.

“You'll be all on your own again soon enough, just like you used to be and deserving no better! You were an idiot to give your heart to her, because she'll break it” he paused to take a breath for a minute, and I thought it was over, but he continued, “And rightfully so. You know why? Cause you're useless.”

Though I had been rooted to the spot, watching this whole ordeal unfold before me, I now glanced at the clock, seeing that 15 minutes had passed since Mr. Lewis had begun his rampage. My boyfriend lay against the wall, shattered and broken, his face showing pain and hopelessness.

Anger washed over me that I couldn't bare the sight any longer, and with a forceful punch, my fist went sailing into the wall, causing both men to look up at me in ghastly shock. Mr. Lewis immediately looked sick, most likely terrified I had heard his every word.

“If I have to stare at your vile face for one more minute,” I seethed, “so help me God.”

I slowly brought myself closer to him never letting my glare leave his face. “Who do you think you are to talk to my boyfriend in such a manner? To make him feel like he is nothing better than a grain of dirt under the sole of your feet?”

His eyes flashed with some sort of fear as I boldly stepped right in front of him.

“You are mistaken, Mr. Lewis. Mistaken that this broken person on the floor is not a man and that you are far his superior. I could nearly be sick at the thought. And you are most definitely mistaken that no one will hear of this, for I can assure you, dear Mrs. Ingram shall, and it will be the last time we both see and hear of you. Is that understood?”

He nodded hastily at my words, but his body was rigid. “Now, before I can control myself no longer, I cannot bare the sight of you. Get out of this room. Now!”

My voice had risen to a shout at the end, and Mr. Lewis stumbled over his own two feet as he made a dash for the door, which closed with a slam, almost as a signal of the finale to this dreadful play.

Landon's face was a ghostly pale, and his lips were drawn in a thin line. He looked like a dead man on the floor before me, and I couldn't help but let out a tiny sob that had welled up inside of me. His eyes flashed to mine quickly before looking away in shame, but I hardly noticed as I rushed to his side.

I locked him in an embrace he couldn't possibly mistake for pity and made sure he could not move. Surprisingly, he did not try. Instead, he leaned his head against my chest as I cradled and rocked him, whispering against his ear how much I loved him.

“I am so, so sorry,” I wept silently, kissing him on the forehead, allowing my fingers to grip to his neck desperately.

He had to know I didn't feel the way Mr. Lewis had described. He had to know I wasn't going to leave him, that I loved him for all he was worth, and that he meant the world to me. He was my shelter and I his. We were perfect for each other, and we couldn't be ripped apart. Somehow I needed to make him aware of this. I had to remove the pain, and put his shattered pieces back together. And I was kicking myself over and over again for believing that this day would go any differently for him than it had. There was no one to blame but myself, and I had to make things right.

“We're going somewhere, and you're coming with me.” I whispered. 

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