Chapter 41

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She tip-toed down the hallway softly, trying to keep her footsteps quiet in the echoes of the house. She reached her destination and shoved the door open roughly in a playful manner.

“Aye!” came his surprised shout that made her fall onto his bed in a fit of giggles.

“You should have knocked,” Landon scolded. “I barely got my boxers on in time.”

Alicia's hand was shielding her eyes.

“Uncover your eyes, love,” Landon said with a smirk on his face.

“No,” she said quickly then grinned blindly.

“Oh come on, we know you want to,” he moved a little closer to her and she shoved him back before laughing again.

“Don't be such a perv. Now are you done?”

He sighed loudly, and dipped his head down quickly to press a sloppy kiss to her neck. He hummed a 'yes.' He slipped his arms under her and moved her closer to the headboard with him.

“Can I stay for a bit?” she begged.

He shook his head in disbelief. “You know I wouldn't have it any other way.”

He straightened his back so he could slip off his shirt and tossed it towards the corner.

“Where's your mom?” Alicia asked, rolling on top of him and placing her hands flat on his chest.

“Ah I don't know,” he muttered softly. “I think she's down in the lounge reading.”

He toyed with her curly locks a bit, threading them between his fingers and letting them fall out gently. “Can you believe we're all done?” he asked, lost in thought.

She was staring blankly at his chest, so he knew she was thinking deeply too.

“No,” she whispered and began to trace patterns on his skin lightly, “It all seems so surreal. And we're graduates now!”

Her voice seemed to cut a little on the end of her sentence and he sensed she was thinking about something else.

“What is it?” he asked, lifting her chin with his index finger.

She met his eyes and her's looked uncertain. “I just always wonder what's going to happen next. I can't really imagine anything else. Am I going to have to leave you?” her voice was quivering a bit which surprised Landon.

“We aren't going to be separated, if that's what your worried about. I don't think I could ever do that right now.”

A look of slight relief washed over her features and he guessed she was trying to shrug the thought of possibility away.

“So we have another celebration tomorrow, yeah?” She seemed to be clarifying.

“Yep, over at my friends place. There should be the majority of our class there.”

She scrunched her nose up in displeasure. “Does that mean a lot of people?”

He laughed softly, tracing his finger from her forehead, down her nose to her lips. “You know it does, but I'll be there so you don't have to worry.”

“Oh,” she said mockingly, “everyone better look out for Mr. Tough guy.”

He flipped her over and pinned her down, her red hair flying into her face. “Get off!” she screamed playfully.

“So you think I'm not a tough guy, hmm?” Her body shivered slightly at his close proximity and his hum in her ear.

“I never said that,” her eyes were wide and her voice was a croak.

Landon burst into laughter, allowing himself to roll off of her. “I barely did anything, Ali, and I already had an effect on you.”

She punched him hard in the arm before sitting up to straighten herself up. “We are so not talking about this.”

“Why not?” he pressed. “We have before.”

A smirk was playing on his features that made her roll her eyes dramatically despite her obvious embarrassment.

“Because I said so,” she stated simply.

“Oh how grown-up of you,” he joked, pulling her by her waist back into himself.

“If you're going to be naughty, there's another room at the end of the hall for me,” she scolded, fighting out of his grip.

She looked dead serious, but he knew she was only playing.

“Naughty is my middle name,” he whispered, shooting her a grin.

“Your parents have terrible name choices,” she retorted.

A comfortable silence followed as the two stared up at the ceiling, lost in their own thoughts and the comfort of each other. A sudden shout startled them.

“Alicia! Hon? Can you come down here?”

Landon sighed and gripped her tighter. “Don't go,” his breath fanned over her neck.

“I've got to,” she giggled. “You can come with me, ya know.”

He gave her a pout look but followed her out of the room as soon as he discovered he couldn't persuade her.

The house was eerily quiet, the two having expected to hear Mrs. Ingram's movements from downstairs, but none came.

“Strange,” Alicia muttered.

“Where are you, Mom?” Landon called out, listening.

“In the kitchen,” came her muffled reply.

She sounded just a touch off, and the girl and boy hurried a little faster to make it to the kitchen. When they came around the corner, Mrs. Ingram was sitting at the table, the lone hanging light casting a soft glow to her form and the papers she had scattered about.

“What's up?” Alicia asked.

Mrs. Ingram's face seemed concerned and troubled. Her eyes looked uncertain and in the dim light you could see the frown creasing her brow.

“Mom, is something wrong?” Landon took a step closer to the table, keeping a firm grip around Alicia's waist.

Mrs. Ingram folded her hands in front of her. “I was working on one of my projects for work, but it's been a little difficult to focus tonight. I got sidetracked looking through the mail that came today. Since we were out so long, I assume you guys hardly noticed it.”

The two kids frowned.

“Can you get to the point, Mom?” Landon snapped a little impatiently.

Mrs. Ingram's eyes settled on Alicia for a brief moment, something flickering in them. She grabbed an envelope off the table from in front of her and held it out for Alicia to take. Alicia came over, taking it gently in her hands with a curious look on her face. But the minute she scanned the front, her face turned to shock and her small hands began to shake. The whole room was silent.

“Well?” Landon snapped again.

Alicia looked up to meet his intense gaze. “I don't understand,” she whispered.


“The envelope,” she shook, “It's from Kami Riley.” 

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