Chapter 3

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Alicia's POV

What happens when two girls are left home alone all night, with movies, pizza and pop to keep them company? We were so hyper that we could have literally ran around the whole city of Portland and back again. The whole house smelled of pizza, and empty cans of pepsi and coke littered the coffee table. Presently, Kami was hanging upside down off the couch, burping all the fizz out. At this hour and when we were so pumped full of caffeine, everything was funny.

“K-kami,” I hicupped, “You gotta stop! I can't breathe!” Kami didn't seem to be paying attention. Instead she reached forward, grabbing two of the candies from the bowl in the centre of the table. I looked at her quizzically before she stuffed one up each nostril and began running around the living room with two purple blobs hanging out of her nose. I was done in. I started laughing hysterically, no sound coming out, and tears escaping my eyes. “KAMI!!” I shouted, holding my stomach in pain. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she yanked them out.

“Ah, I got sour sugar up my nose! It stings!” She cursed. My laughing had subsided to giggles, when the phone rang loudly. I glanced at the clock, 3:00am. I frowned as I dashed to the kitchen.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Yes. Hello. Is this Miss Alicia Carter?”

“Y-yes, this is she.” Whoever it was, their tone seemed to unnerve me.

“I'm sorry to disturb you, but my name is Officer Derrick, from the Portland Police. I am calling to inform you that your parents, Hannah and Greg, were in a car accident. I regret to tell you, miss, that neither one of them survived.” I froze. This couldn't be happening. I had just been having such a good time, and was fully prepared for the conversation I was going to have with my parents when they returned. The voice on the other end continued to drone on, but I didn't hear a thing. I was too mortified, too shocked to hear. When I finally caught the “goodbye,” I hung up. I leaned against the counter and put my head in my hands. I heard Kami's socked feet sliding across the floor.

“Alicia?” she whispered. “You look like you've seen a ghost.”

“Kami,” my voice cracked, “My mom and dad are dead.” Her face went blank and she stared at me before a grim smile flickered on her face.

“You're joking.”

“No,” I whispered. “I'm not.” I sunk down against the counter on the floor. Within seconds, Kami was at my side, her arms wrapped around my shoulders and tears were cascading down my cheeks. “What am I supposed to do now?” I cried. “I have no family to take me in! What if I have to leave here? I just lost my family. All I ever had.” I was rambling, yes, I knew that, but I couldn't stop. I was sobbing now, my whole body shaking like a leaf. I was broken inside. Everything had just been ripped away from me. No it hadn't been much, but when you lose everything that's already “in-want” to begin with, the hole left is even deeper. Kami was rubbing circles into my back and rocking me gently.

“You need to get some sleep,” she whispered. “C'mon.” I mindlessly followed her up the stairs, her arm around me for support. I just sat on the edge of my bed while she changed me. I didn't even bother helping her in any way. She opened my bed and helped me slide in before she came to the other side and laid down beside me. As we lay in the dark, Kami wrapped her arms around me again.

“I'm so, so sorry Alicia. My heart is literally aching for you. But please, I-everything's going to be alright. Just sleep.” I turned over and closed my eyes, praying she was right. All I knew is I had wanted everything to go back to how it used to be. Now I knew it never would.

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