Chapter 8

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Landon's POV

I shrugged my jacket off onto the floor. This should be good. Just us two on this one massive floor. I could have some fun. Honestly, I didn't like her whatsoever. And the minute I saw how pretty she was and her quiet, innocent demeanour, it made me dislike her even more. I could hear her down the hall, probably already putting her belongings neatly away. I knew she was that type. Order, cleanliness and all those annoying things. Now that I thought about it, her and my mother would get along just fine and it would be me who was made to suffer. I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor before flopping onto my bed. I'd stay locked up in here all day if it meant never running into the two of them. Thoughts kept thundering through as I flicked my bedside lamp on. It cast low shadows around the room. Suddenly, there was a timid knock on my door. I rolled my eyes, knowing full well it would be the little snit from down the hall. I nearly through myself at the door, whipping it open. And there she stood, just like a mouse. Her green, plaid pyjamas screamed cuteness, her red hair was brushed over her one shoulder and her hands fidgeted nervously with one another. Ha, I made her nervous. I felt a smirk grow on my face. “Um, h-hi,” she stuttered, “I was wondering which one of these locked doors is the bathroom?” “Right across from you,” I pointed. She nodded and shuffled down the hall before turning the doorknob and yanking on the door. It didn't budge. I let out a mocking laugh. “Don't you remember your own words? Locked doors?” I walked up to her, unlocking the door, but I kept my hand on it. Even in the darkness I could see her eyes on the floor. “Aren't you a catch,” I threw over my shoulder as I made it back to my room. Just barely audible, from behind me, I heard, “Thank goodness not in your trap.”

Alicia's POV

The sun was slipping through the windows all around my room. I knew that was something I'd have to get used to, all day. But frankly, it was annoying, especially in the morning. I hadn't wanted to get out of bed this morning because that meant I'd have to face him again. Him. We didn't say a word to each other all through breakfast and I was proud to say I didn't make eye contact, much to Amelia's dismay. Thankfully, he had bounced off to school for the day to meet up with his other loser friends and probably his poor grades. There was no way he was any better than that. A knock on my door disrupted me. “Alicia, are you ready? I wanted to take you down to check out the school. You'll be starting next week.” I cringed at those words, but knew it was something I must do. Grabbing a hoodie off my bed, I opened the door. “Yes, I suppose.” The drive through the city was busy and slow. Just another thing that I'd have to get used to in London. There were a lot of those I didn't like. Amelia had been talking nearly the entire way about how I would learn to love it here, and the school is a really good one; how she was sure I would make lots of friends. I didn't even want to think of that part of it. I was horrible when it came to meeting new people. Just before we pulled into the school, it occurred to me this was where Landon went. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach and I prayed with all my might we wouldn't see him on our visit here. Amelia parked the vehicle and I continued to look around. The school was huge, and held one of those old, European college looks. Trees lined the entire front, giving it a shady and peaceful first impression, but as soon as we went through the doors, the scene changed quite dramatically. Though the school held the same professional look inside, with glass staircases, wide halls, and modern classrooms, it was bustling with student life. In a moment, I took in all kinds: the friendly and perhaps faithful, either in pairs or groups of three, the introverts slipping down the outer boundaries of the halls unnoticed, or....Landon's crowd. My wish hadn't come true. There, standing and leaning against the lockers, were a group of kids watching the rest intently. The girls of the crowd were dressed skankily, while the guys pushed and shoved each other, laughing obnoxiously at one of the poor introverts or some victimized girl that walked past. As I continued to stare, Landon's eyes met mine and he froze. I turned my head in disgust. As I did so, I heard a number of them break out into laughter. Great, probably at my expense. Amelia kept me close, only having given her son one look. Warning. Once we safely made it into the principal's office, I felt a little more at ease. The tall man seemed friendly enough, his black-framed glasses pushed smartly on his nose and his hair combed to perfection. I was guessing he was in his late 30s. As he talked about the school's history, and their everyday routine, I suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom, and badly. I cursed myself silently but knew I couldn't ignore it. “Um,” I cut in, “Where are the bathrooms?” The man, Mr. Harrison, smiled. “Oh, just down the hall on the right right, Miss.” I excused myself and slipped out of the office. When we had first gotten to the school, class periods must have been finishing because, with the exception of a lonely strangler, the hallways were empty. That made it much easier for me as I searched for the familiar bathroom sign. Just as I rounded the first corner on the right, I spotted it and reached for the handle, only to feel myself being jerked back. “What the heck?!” I whisper-yelled, struggling in the person's grip behind me. “Liked what you saw so much you had to turn your head away?” Came the eerily familiar voice by my ear. “No, in truth, I couldn't stand to look at such a group of pigs,” I shot back. He was quiet for a minute before I heard a low chuckle. “I know what you really think.” I rolled my eyes. “Hardly, otherwise you'd be letting go of me and leaving me alone. What a pity I have to live with you.” His grip on me tightened and I felt my blood boiling slightly. “No, it's a pity I have to live with you,” he responded. “Well you must like close contact with me better than you let on,” my voice managed to come out in a chirp. He finally spun me around to face him, his eyes dark with annoyance. I leaned in slowly before shoving him away. “Adios, Mr. Ingram,” I smirked and walked into the bathroom.


Comment guys! MJ 

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