Chapter 16

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Landon's POV

My head was spinning as I laid on my bed. How could I ever understand girls? Alicia was so confusing. My head hurt just thinking about it. I found myself listening for the slightest hint of a noise coming from down the hallway in her direction. Nothing. I closed my eyes and sighed. My body began to relax just as I heard a squeal, and Alicia's door being slammed as she went flying down the hall to the stairs.

“Amelia!” she called, and I quickly jumped up, not wanting to miss what was going to take place.

I made it to the stairs just to see her flying off the banister again and smirked to myself. Crazy girl.

“Amelia! Can I go out? Please?!” She grabbed my mom by the shoulders, jumping up and down, her eyes happy.

I frowned at the sudden energy level. My mom laughed.

“What's the occasion, dear?”

At that, Alicia became somewhat sheepish, smiling at the floor and rubbing her arm repeatedly.

“Kayden asked me to spend the day with him maybe?” It sounded like she was unsure.

My mother's face turned into a knowing grin. “I suppose you need to know so you have plenty of time to be getting ready, am I right?”

Alicia blushed.

“Oh, come on, get out of here girl!” My mom slapped her shoulder, and Alicia squealed again before flying past me and up the stairs again.

My mom seemed to catch a glimpse of me, but shook her head in somewhat of disappointment. I turned away, suddenly feeling ashamed? I didn't know anymore. Before I could think twice, my feet had taken me to her door, and I knocked, entering at her friendly “Come in.” She paused in the mirror as she saw my reflection but continued to fuss with her hair, pulling it into some form of a bun.

“So you're going to spend the day with him, hey?” I asked, somewhat sarcastically, as I sat on the edge of her bed.

“His name is Kayden,” she said matter-of-factly.

I wanted to fight, I really did. I hated the idea of her spending the day with that jerk. Most likely everyone else would argue that I was the jerk.

“So do you know where you're going to be going?” I asked as nicely as possible.

She looked at me through the mirror again. “No.”

She suddenly let out a sigh and spun to face me. “Why do you care?”

I could only shake my heard. “I don't know, I don't actually.”

I saw a hint of a smirk, but she masked it quickly and nodded her head. “Right.”

I continued to twiddle my thumbs, before I noticed her staring at me, hands on her hips.

“Do you mind, Mr. Thinker? I've got to get dressed.”

I felt a blush creep into my cheeks. Oh this is perfect.

“Sure, uh, sorry...sorry.”

She giggled at my response and I quickly picked myself up and left the room. The door shut and I heard her rattling around. I had every intention of walking away down the hall, really I did, but that's not what happened. I clenched my fist in annoyance with myself.

“Ali, can I drive you there?”

The noise behind the door stopped completely, but then it opened a crack as she poked her head out. Shock was evident across her face. It was fun shocking her.

“I guess if you want to. I've got to find where we're going first.”

I smiled then went running down the hall and the stairs. I had to calm down. What was my problem anyway? She came down the stairs a few minutes later in black skinnies and a pretty blue sweater.

“Do I look alright?”

I knew exactly what I wanted to say. “Yeah, whatever.”

I startled myself with my own answer. That came out of left field but I couldn't let her see anything soft, right? That advertises weakness. Alicia looked confused for a minute until some sort of annoyed understanding cloaked her features. She brushed past me out the door. It turns out I was driving her to the mall and the ride there was nothing but silence. She stared out her side window, biting a nail the whole time. As I pulled up to the entrance, I could see Kayden easily, leaning against the wall. I rolled my eyes in disgust but snapped out of it as soon as I heard the door unlock.

“Wait, don't I even get a thank you?”

Alicia looked at me as if to say “seriously.”

“Yeah, thanks,” and she reached for the door handle again, but I grabbed her hand.

She shot me a deadly look but I hung on.

“Try and have a delightful time, since I'm sure I could give you a much better one.”

She averted her eyes for a moment and I took the opportunity to brush a stray piece of hair behind her ear, allowing my finger to graze over her forehead. She remained still, but I saw her swallow hard. I smirked inwardly. But if I expected something, I was wrong. Instead she threw the door open.

“Figure yourself out!” she snapped and slammed the door.

I smiled to myself knowing I had confused her. Alicia Carter had conflicting feelings about me.

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