Chapter 11

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Alicia's POV

My alarm blared into my peaceful sleep. It was the first day at my new school. Wait, what? No! I shot out of bed a little too fast, tripping over the trunk at the end of the bed, falling with a thud on the floor. I moaned and rubbed my leg. My door eased open so I could barely see Landon, perfectly quiffed hair and shirtless.

“Take it easy on the floor, will ya? Don't want to replace it, elephant.”

I groaned as the door clicked closed again. “I hate you,” I said to myself.

I ran to plug in my straightener, and then went to my closet. I couldn't decide, so I ended up pulling out this outfit and that. I finally settled on a pair of rust skinnies with a creamy, lace blouse. I got started on my hair, the curls vanishing as I fought with them. I thoroughly brushed a toothbrush over my teeth until I could taste the hot mint. Applying some foundation and mascara, I decided I was as good as I could get. My stomach grumbled, but there was no way I was eating this morning. I was too nervous. I slipped some books and my laptop into my bag and headed downstairs, gripping it tightly. I popped into the kitchen to see Landon devouring a piece of toast and Mrs. Ingram sipping coffee, her eyes scanning a newspaper.

“Take it easy,” I said, looking at him. “Don't want to replace the food within a day.” I tossed my hair over my shoulder as he glared at me.

“Oh hello dear,” Mrs. Ingram broke our glaring contest.

“Good morning, Amelia,” I smiled.

“Are you all ready for the first day of school?”

I laughed. “It feels like I'm back in kindergarten again, but really I'm finishing up my last semester of my senior year. I'm equally as nervous. I just want the day to end.”

She nodded sympathetically. “I understand, but you'll do just fine. You're so likable!” She exclaimed.

A loud snort was heard from the table. Both of us turned to look at Landon. “Likable? Are you actually serious? She's as annoying as hell! And nervous? Honestly, don't be such a baby! You're 17, not 5,” he sneered and walked past me out of the kitchen.

I blinked a few times and avoided Mrs. Ingram's gaze. Since the incident at the laser arena, Landon had been ten times worse and his comments always knocked the wind out of me. I was never one for crying, but lately I had been finding it harder and harder not to let tears slip out at his jests. In his eyes, I was nothing but a fool and he broadcasted that to ever body.

“Come here, hon,” I heard Mrs. Ingram say. I trudged over to her, my eyes on the floor.

“I'm so sorry. He doesn't know what he's doing. I can see he's been hard the last few days and he's taking it out on you. You don't deserve it and don't believe a word he says. He's the one showing himself a fool, not you.”

I looked up at her surprised. She caught my look and began laughing hard. “Yes,” she wiped my hair from my face, “I did just call my own son a fool.” I couldn't help myself and laughed along with her.

“Now, go show 'em who's boss, tiger!” I laughed and gave her a lopsided hug before leaving the kitchen.

I slipped my black leather boots on and waited for Landon to show his face. I vowed to ignore him all day. If anything was going to ruin my day, I most definitely wasn't going to allow it to be him. When he showed up, he had a black coat zipped up fully, his blue eyes a beautiful contrast, were it not for the ice frozen in them. I looked away quickly and went out the door, not waiting for him. As we climbed into his car, he glanced at me one more time.

“Don't expect me to hang around you today. I've got no intention to.”

“I didn't expect you to,” I murmured softly and gazed out the window.

The city looked beautiful this early in the morning, but also slightly mysterious as a hurricane of fog engulfed it. Sometimes I still couldn't believe I had lived in London for two weeks. It would've been a dream were it not for the present circumstances. True to his word, as soon as we got to Elizabeth High (how ironic), Landon grabbed his bag from the back seat, slammed the door and jogged off without a single word. I suddenly felt extremely vulnerable, but knew I had to pull myself together. Somehow I could feel this was all his plan to see how I'd stand up. Well, in your face Landon. I wasn't going to show weakness, no matter how I felt on the inside. Somehow I made it to the doors and down the hallway to the front desk.

“Locker number?” I squeaked. The lady grabbed a slip of paper.

“Number 1.”

Suddenly I was giggling to myself. Number 1. I stuffed my belongings inside, but kept my schedule, map and laptop securely in my grip. I felt a hand slip around my waist. “April?” I smiled.

“You got it, girl. Now let's get you to class.”

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