Chapter 46

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Landon's POV

I don't know how I found myself here. One minute I had been in London still, and now I was in America, and standing before me was the girl I adored. I had decided that I had been foolish and unthinking in letting Alicia leave Europe. Actually, completely out of my mind. After fighting with my inner self, and many sleepless nights, I knew I had to get her back or nothing would be the same.

And now I found her emerald eyes sparkling back at me, her face filled with confusion, and her lips parted slightly in shock. Her hands were clasped tightly in front of her, and I couldn't help but take in what she was wearing, my favourite dress on her. She looked like a wild and gorgeous painting all at once.

Finally, she took a few steps closer, careful to keep her balance. “Landon,” she barely whispered, “what are you doing here?”

I let the smallest smile take over my lips and also took a step towards her. “What do you mean? Isn't it obvious? I was a fool, Ali, too caught up in my own pride to recognize who was right and what I really cared for and loved.”

I watched her forehead crinkle into a frown and her eyes dance wildly. By now, she was directly in front of me. “You love me?”

I managed a breathy chuckle, my nerves suddenly getting the better of me. “Yes, Ali. That's what I came to realize.”

For a minute, her face went dazed and I could tell she wasn't focused on me anymore. Suddenly her lips parted, showing her perfect smile. “That's what I realized too.”

Attempting to lighten the mood, I smiled wide. “You realized you loved yourself?”

A gasp escaped her mouth, before she punched me on the shoulder, she always used to. “No silly! I realized I loved you too.”

I found it adorable how her face flushed when she said it to me, and I took her small hands in my own.

“Can you come home now?” I asked, more like begged.

“Home?” her voice rose slightly.

“Yes, Ali, it's where you belong.”

Her eyes sparkled at my words, before she dove into my arms. I made sure to wrap her tight, letting my hand run through her tangled hair and down her back.

“I can't believe you're here,” she cried a little. “Don't let go.”

I pulled her into me more. “You should know by now, love, I have no intention to.”

“Well, my my, who on earth is this?”

I opened my eyes to see a girl standing behind Alicia, looking slightly confused. Something triggered in the back of my mind but I couldn't put my finger on it. Alicia unlatched her arms from around me, but I didn't let her go still. I kept her planted against me by a firm grip on her waist. The girl was studying us intently.


Alicia exhaled and placed a hand on my chest. “Kami, this is Landon, part of the family I went to stay with in London.”

So this was Kami, the “friend” who had hurt my girl so much. Alicia sounded nervous and I wasn't quite sure why.

“Just a little close, don't you think?” Kami questioned; she seemed to be prying.

“Kami,” Alicia's tone was flat, “this is my boyfriend.”

I felt my heart swell at hearing those words come out of her mouth again. It seemed like an eternity, but they sounded like heaven.

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