Chapter 32

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Alicia's POV

The joys of school had started all over again. Though I had gotten accustomed to it the past two months, things still seemed complicated. Landon and I were great, there always seemed to be chemistry between us, except in one place. School. For some reason, he would practically ignore me there, only directing a nod or slight smile in my direction.

I couldn't understand it, and yet every time I would go to ask when we got back home, he would switch back to the caring Landon I loved so much. If it irritated anyone more than myself, that would be Morgan. She had nearly had a heart attack when I first told her the news, and she was becoming increasingly annoyed with Landon's lack of public affection. It was almost as if he didn't want everyone to know what was going on.

So here I found myself, at the start of March, walking down the hallway with my best friend. Landon and his group were crowded around one of the lockers, laughing loudly as they always did. Morgan and I slowed our pace as I waited to catch his eye. For a brief moment, he met mine, a sparkle appearing, but just as soon as it had appeared, it vanished in thin air. On the way past, I grabbed Morgan's arm in frustration.

“Why won't he acknowledge me?”

She could only roll her eyes. “I think you should go back and say something. If he doesn't want his friends to know, that's too bad. If that's the case, he better watch what's coming to him. There is going to be a confrontation.”

She shoved me in his direction and signalled she'd be waiting further up the hall. I took a deep breath to still my shaking hands. This was stupid, I was going to talk to my boyfriend not some monster, but the truth, he wasn't acting like my boyfriend either.

As I got closer to the group, I could see a few of their voices faltering and their eyes fell on me in expectation. Jessie shot me a smile and wave which made me increase my pace to reach his side. I stepped close to him and surprise flashed across his face.

“Ali,” was all he said.

“Isn't her name Alicia?” One of the girls stepped forward and she seemed to have a smug expression on her face.

Though I had hung out with them a few times, not all of Landon's friends gave me a walk-in-the-park experience. The majority of them seemed indifferent.

“Yes, it is,” I answered, “but like everyone else, I have a nickname.”

The silence in the group seemed to spread even more, making me painfully aware of what I had just blurted out.

“You've gotten more feisty since the last time,” Josh smirked, the guy in the group who made me feel the most awkward.

There was nothing ever soft in his features. He reeked solely of trouble. My eyes fell on Jessie's and she seemed to be sending me a silent warning, but I couldn't quite make it out. Out of habit, I reached for Landon's hand, and pulled myself tighter against his body.

“I just wanted to come and say hi to you,” I smiled sweetly, but his eyes seemed so worried and cold, I could see the reflection of my own face in them.

He immediately shook his hand free of mine before stuffing it in his crossed arms. A few snickers went up around the group.

“We can have this conversation at home,” he said lowly. “We don't generally talk much at school here.”

I could feel the hurt ripping through my heart as he took a few sideways steps away from me. Mark and Jessie gave me apologetic looks and I could feel the emotion swimming in my head, threatening to spill out.

“I think that was a dismissal,” the obnoxious girl remarked yet again.

I sent a glare, feeling my body begin to shake.

“I see how this works,” I seethed at Landon. “Idiot.”

And with that I stalked away from everyone back to find Morgan. As she promised, she was waiting not too far ahead. Her face turned worried as she caught a glimpse of the few tears that had already stained my cheeks.

“What did that idiot do?” She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and directed me down the hall to our next class, which happened to be English.

“Our suspicions were correct,” I mumbled.

Morgan's jaw clenched but she kept quiet as we entered the class. She marched up to her seat buddy which was a pretty girl who kept somewhat to herself.

“Hey Emily, can Alicia and you switch spots today?”

The girl gained a horrified expression.

“That means I have to sit with Landon,” she gasped.

Despite the situation, it took everything I had not to laugh at her reaction.

“Please Emily,” Morgan begged, “trust me, he won't talk to you. He'll be too absorbed with what's going on to care about giving you a rough time.”

Emily pondered for a minute then glimpsed my face and gasped again.

“Of course I will, don't worry Alicia.” She patted me on the back and plopped into my seat.

Sliding down, I gave a sigh of relief. “Thanks for the help, Morg.”

She grinned at me. “Hey anytime. If he wants to play a game, game on! I think you should come over this afternoon. Girl time needed.”

I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face as I pulled my papers and books out. If anything could get my mind off Landon's carelessness, besides Morgan, it would be English. I prayed that there would be an essay assignment today.

The teacher walked in and instantly began his lecture. It didn't last too long, seeing as he wanted us to begin our writing. I nearly did a fist pump but refrained.

The class fell quiet as pencils and pens scribbled over paper, frantically capturing notes and ideas. It was a wonderful picture. I loved writing. It took me into a whole other world where my ideas came to life and I could make people come to life. Words were like art to me. When I had a writing utensil in my hand, I was automatically at ease.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and pulled it out.

Landon: so you won't even sit with me, hey?

I scowled at the screen. He probably expected me to turn around and acknowledge him, but that would be in his wildest dreams. I typed back.

Me: nope, have fun with Emily.

I was almost sure I heard a contained snort from behind us.

Landon: you're overreacting.

I was nearly ready to throw my phone across the room. He didn't even seem to care. Overreacting? Did he forget that he said nothing while his friends insulted me? Or how about the fact that he doesn't want to be seen with me while at school? I was foolish. I had fallen and I had fallen hard.

Me: sorry boyfriend. Oh forgot, why call you that? Nobody knows.

I heard him sigh from behind me and could almost picture him running his hands through his hair to keep from getting too frustrated. I put my phone away, not caring if he sent me anymore texts. I had an assignment to finish. 

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