Chapter 15

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The boy stirred in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open. He lifted himself from the small, warm lap he had been laying in confusion. As he turned, his eyes met the beautiful and peaceful face of the girl he had promised to hate. He rubbed his head that was pounding, most likely from the intake of alcohol the night before. It was an attempt at trying to wipe clear his memory, but once again he had woken up with the same past 18 years in his mind. He looked at the girl again and studied her features. As much as he had tried, he couldn't hate her. He could never hate her. To be honest, he was exhausted with his constant facade. He didn't want to fake it anymore, but he knew he could not possibly just change in the blink of an eye. When darkness turns to light, it's blinding and he was clueless as to what to do. He was hard, hardened from the past that tore at him everyday. He hadn't spoken about it to anyone, or so he had thought. He certainly hoped he had not let anything slip in his stupor last night. He just prayed the day would never come that he'd have to share it. His own mother didn't even know. It was a secret known only to him, cradled in his scarred heart. He shivered, suddenly realizing that he was half dressed and smirked slightly. He wished he could remember what had happened and what the girl had said or did to him. Maybe everything would clear up later. Without thinking, he sat up more fully and kissed the sleeping form on her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open, but he was already around the corner and out the door.

Alicia's POV

A soft kiss had woken me up, and my eyes had opened to see Landon hurriedly leaving my room. I looked down and realized I must have fallen asleep leaning against the headboard, Landon in my lap. Odd. I stretched and stood up, dashing for the bathroom. I didn't even want to see myself in the mirror. I showered as quickly as possible, my ever grumbling stomach not allowing me to slow my pace. I dried off and threw on some clothes, having no intentions of going anywhere today. When I reached the stairs, I decided to try something I had been debating since moving here. Grabbing a hold of the banister, she swung one leg over and slid down it in one quick curve. I didn't intend on going so fast, but the end of it caught me off guard and I fell on my butt on the floor.

“How did that work for you?” I heard a warm laugh come from behind me before I was picked up off the floor.

I brushed my pants off. “Thanks, Landon. That must have been a sight,” I mumbled.

He chuckled again, his hands still on my waist. Wait a minute? Landon actually laughed? My eyes shot up from studying the floor to meet his mischievous ones. They looked happy. I reached up and touched his cheek, making sure what was standing in front of me was real. Almost instantly, the cold, blue ice returned and he brushed my hand away.

“Don't touch me,” he barked.

I jumped at his tone and backed away instantly, stumbling towards the kitchen. Mrs. Ingram looked up from reading and noted my pale face.

“You alright, dear?” I nodded frantically.

I needed to calm down. It wasn't like he hurt me, but there was something I didn't trust about the look in those eyes. I didn't want to fall victim.

“Fine, Amelia, just fine,” I said quickly.

She seemed to be frowning but said nothing more. Thank goodness. I ate slowly, to be honest, I wasn't very hungry anymore. It was stupid of me to think that his eyes really held a different hue to them. He flitted into the room, grabbing a plate and sitting down across from me. I continued to chew as if he had never come into the room. After a minute, I pushed my plate a little to the side.

“Is there a problem?” Mrs. Ingram placed her hand on my arm.

“I'm not hungry anymore,” I stated blankly.

I dared to make eye contact with Landon, who was staring at me. Surprise. I couldn't read his expression.

“Oh, well, no problems, dear! I'll give it to the dog.”

I smiled at Mrs. Ingram. She was always so considerate I couldn't help but feel grateful to her, despite the denial I sometimes felt. I got up from the table and left the room. I needed to be alone, I could feel everything coming back. On my way up the stairs, I was jerked back and fell into a body. I nearly stopped breathing, scared to turn and see the look his eyes held. I was becoming pretty expert at reading his attitude through those blue orbs.

“Where do ya think you're going?”

“Anywhere you aren't,” I made sure my tone carried nothing.

“Haven't you figured out yet that you can't get away from me?”

He placed a kiss on my neck that made me shudder. What was wrong with him? I couldn't do it.

“Why don't you answer me?” I wiggled myself out of his grip.

“And why do you ask so many questions? Yes, I know I can't get away from you, but I wish with all my heart I could!” I whisper-yelled. “I can't stand you and I'm not about to waste my time trying to figure you out!”

His eyes turned dark again, but I kept my stance as he ran his hand down my arm. He opened his mouth to say something, but I backed away.

“Excuse me,” and I flew up the stairs, slamming my door and turning the lock.

Who was I kidding? He was Landon, and that would never change. 

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